Den building

Hi everyone! As the weather isn’t looking as good this week, I set you a new challenge-build a den!

You need to ask parents first but tomorrow you could build a den and read a story to your teddies and toys inside the den. It is great fun and gives your parents a break too.

Here are some ideas:

The Snagglegrollop Part 3


Why are they cutting their hedge to look like a Snagglegrollop?

What are the Snagglegrollop and Quibblesnuff doing?

I think that Sam is brave asking his dad if Emily can come over to his house. Why is that brave?


Write a description of the Snagglegrollop using what we have learnt about adjectives.

Write your description in a comment below or email it to me.

Which story would you like next week?

Dogger or A Squash and A Squeeze?

Phonics game

Have a go at the game Picnic on Pluto.

Use the log in: march20  password:home

to access lots of fun games.

Year 1 children should be focusing all phase 5 GPCs. You can see the button at the bottom right of the screen in the picture ‘Revise all Phase 5’

The Snagglegrollop Part 2

New word: enchanted-under a spell. The girl was enchanted by a magic rose.


Why is Snagglegrollop spying on Sam at school?

Where did the Snagglegrollop meet the Quibblesnuff?

What did they do together?


Draw a picture of where you think they have gone to.

Email me a picture of your drawing and I’ll put it on the blog.