I have really enjoyed doing PE with Joe Wicks every morning this week. He does a half an hour lesson at 9am live everyday! See if you can join in too!
I have really enjoyed doing PE with Joe Wicks every morning this week. He does a half an hour lesson at 9am live everyday! See if you can join in too!
New word: fond-liking something or someone. I am fond of the Year 1 class.
What did Sam use to clean the Snagglegrollop’s teeth?
What food did the Snagglegrollop eat?
Why is the Snagglegrollop sad? What would make him happier?
Pop your answers in the comment box below.
Watch the video below about the Good Samaritan. This is a story that Jesus told to teach us. We call these parables.
Can you remember Jesus’ two jobs?
What do you think Jesus is trying to teach us from this parable?
Here is the last part of Grace and Family. Comment below which story you would like tomorrow: Snagglegrollop or Giraffes Can’t Dance.
As promised in the video: I have a Mom, Step-Dad, Dad, Step-Mom, 2 sisters, a brother, a step-brother and 2 step-sisters. I have lots of grandparents, aunts and uncles. Who is in your family? Remember that Nana always tells Grace, “Family is what you make it.”
If you use the following log in details, you can use the website Phonics Play for free:
This week the children would have been learning about weight and mass. The link above has 5 lessons for this week all about weight and mass. Have a go and let me know how you get on!
This is a great challenge to try at home, after school. Can you pretend to be the character in the video and tell your family about what you have done? You could write it down and bring it in to school!