Congratulations Thomas!
Category Archives: Year 1
Maundy/Holy Thursday
Today is called Maundy Thursday or Holy Thursday. It is a special day as Jesus had his last meal before he died. He knew he was going to die but his twelve disciples did not. Jesus was Jewish so they had a special celebration meal together called The Passover Meal. Watch the video below.
Why did Jesus’ disciples not want them to wash their feet?
Jesus came to serve us. What does that mean?
Can you draw a picture of Jesus and his twelve disciples eating The Passover Meal? Write underneath what happened at the meal.
Spelling Test 09.04.20
Phonics-Alternative Pronunciations for ‘e’
Holy Wednesday
Matthew 26:14-16 New Revised Standard Version (NRSV)
Judas Agrees to Betray Jesus
14 Then one of the twelve, who was called Judas Iscariot, went to the chief priests 15 and said, “What will you give me if I betray him to you?” They paid him thirty pieces of silver. 16 And from that moment he began to look for an opportunity to betray him.
Today we think about when Judas decided to betray Jesus. This is a sad time as Judas was one of Jesus’ twelve disciples, a close friend. He wanted to hurt Jesus for 30 pieces of silver (money). He made the choice today.
We need to think about our choices today.
What would you do for 30 pounds?
Would you hurt your friend for a new toy?
What makes you happier, new things or friends?
Can you write a prayer to God asking Him to help you give up things you want but don’t always need? We should always think about things that we have extra of, to give to those who do not have enough of what they need.
Don’t forget to keep emailing me your work, or commenting with your answers, so that I can choose a Star of the Week this week!
Handwriting and Spelling 08.04.20
Here is your daily handwriting. Remember that your spelling test is tomorrow 🙂
Today I would like you to read the story ‘Nok’s Lunch’. He is a mischievous little alien. You can click on the picture of the book and it will take you straight there.
New word: mischievous- causing trouble in a playful way. Miss Barr was feeling mischievous in the garden.
Have a go at the activities after you have read the book and let me know what you think :-).
English-writing instructions
Yesterday, one of the class drew the instructions to make my wrap pizza.
Could you write the instructions to go with each image? Remember to include a verb in each instruction.
Verbs, verbs are doing words.
sprinkle, spread, put, slice
Send your instructions to me via email or type them in to the comment box below.
Here is the video again to remind you:
Maths. Counting in, and making equal groups
Children’s Work
I love receiving your work Year 1! It puts a smile on my face for sure. Keep it up!