English 07.04.20-Text Map Video

Here is the video of me showing you the actions to go with the text map for instructions. Can you chant it everyday with me?

Watch the video of me making pizzas at home. Could you use the story map to write the instructions that I used to make my pizza?

One day this week you could make your own lunch.


Monday and Tuesday Holy Week

Today we focus on Monday and Tuesday of Holy week. Watch the video below to see what Jesus did in the Temple on Monday.


He cleared the temple. Why?

Is it okay to be angry?

He was very angry with what the merchants (sellers) had done to the Temple. Have you ever been so angry that you have changed something for the better?

On Tuesday Jesus preached and went to the Mount of Olives after clearing the Temple on Monday. He spent Monday and Tuesday of Holy Week preparing everyone for what he knew was coming, Easter. He knew that he was going to die to save everyone. 

Today, I would like you to help to clean your house and then make some things to decorate ready for Easter. You could draw some pictures of eggs and colour them in or have a look at the website below if you have some eggs at home your parents can help you to decorate.






Doubling Game

Good morning Year 1. I know a couple of your struggled to do the doubling in yesterdays maths. Just remember that when you double you are making a pair. Think about your numicon:

Now have a go at this doubling fishing game. It is on TopMarks but you can just click the link below. Select Level 1 and then press play. Let me know how you get on.


Then go back to the White Rose Learning a home site to have a go at your learning for today. Lesson 2, making equal groups.https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-1/


Phonics. Alternative Pronunciations for ‘a’


Click on the link to play Flashcards Time Trial on Phonics Play.

username: march20

password: home

Select ‘all’ like in the picture below. Can you say all of the sounds for all of the graphemes?

If you need help to remember them all, use the Jolly Phonics video:


Then click on the link to take you to Scully’s Phonics on discovery education.

username: student4991

password: vincent2


Select ‘a’ and watch the video to show you the different pronunciations. Then you can have a go at the two activities at the side.

Writing Instructions

Now you are getting the hang of using the blog, I am going to set you an English task each day too. I am really proud of the way you children are getting on with your learning at home. If you have not emailed me or commented on the blog, I do not know that you are doing your work. Send me an email or comment below so I know how you are all getting on. Missing you all lots!

Now, your English task today. A while ago we learnt about writing instructions and we looked at instructions about how to plant a sunflower.

Then we made a text map so that we could remember all the important parts for instruction writing.

Can you chant the model text using the text map? I will upload a video of me chanting the model text to help you.

Remember that the subheadings are small titles to help organise the non-fiction (information) writing.

At the end of the week, you will be writing your own instructions after making yourself some lunch.

Reading this week. Your own e-books!


Please click on the link to take you to the Oxford Owl Website. Make sure you click on ‘my class log in’

The username is: vincentyear1

Password: vincent

Write these in the back of your planner in case you need them again.

This week I will set you a book a day to read. If you are struggling to read the words, you can press play and have the story read to you. There are activities to do when you have finished reading the book. Be sure to pop your name in so I can see who has had a go!

Today’s book is:

Watch the video below to see how to log in and find your books each day.



Palm Sunday

Yesterday we celebrated Palm Sunday. It is the day we remember Jesus riding on a donkey in to town. Many people knew that he was the son of God but some people did not. We know this day as a happy day. It is the first day in Holy Week.

There is a song we normally sing in school a lot this week. Could you practise this song at home. Your parents could record you singing and send it to my email so I can put it on the blog 🙂


This week is more important than the lead up to Christmas. Keep following Mr Davis’ blog to help guide your prayers this week.




Maths-Multiplication and Division

Here is the link for your Maths learning this week.


Parents-If we were at school, we would be moving on to multiplication and division. This is exactly what the children will be doing at home by using this link and the games I post each day. It may not look like standard multiplication and division but these small steps will help your children succeed when presented with more formal methods in the future.