Handwriting, Spelling and English 04.05.2020

Learning Objective: To read and spell words with alternative pronunciations and form letters correctly


Learning Objective: (Reading) I can explain what is happening in a book and link it to stories I have read before.

Here are the first two pages from our new book:

You can see that I have covered up the writing on both pages because I want you to think about the picture.

What can you see in the picture? Make a list of everything that you can see in the picture.

How do you feel when you look at the picture? Do you know why you feel like that?

Can you think of different words or sentences to describe this picture?

The people in this picture are called Pattan and Kanni. Who is who? What do you think?

What are Pattan and Kanni doing? Why do you think they are doing that? What are they wearing? Who are they to each other?

Email me your work or leave a comment on the blog to show me your work.



Children’s work from this week

You children are making me so proud to say that I am your teacher. You guys are doing a fabulous job of learning at home! Thank you to all of the parents that are making the situation the best it can be.

Children, you need to thank your parents and grandparents too!

Have a look at some of the work I have received this week through email or comments on the blog. Send me your work or comment on the blog posts (with answers) to get your work on the blog next week.

Well done to Hiyab, Raian, Thomas and Mary who have logged in to the online Music lesson this week.


Geography 01.05.2020

Learning Objective: Name and locate the four countries of the UK, including characteristics of those places (rivers).

In Geography this half term, you are learning about rivers in the UK. Click on the map to explore important places in the UK.

It is on Discovery Education so you’ll need to log in

username: student4991

password: vincent2

Can you find where the Lake District is?

Name two birds that you might find near a Welsh river.

Write anything you found interesting in the comment box below.

Phonics 01.05.2020

Learning Objective: To read quickly and accurately, words that have alternative sounds.

Watch the video below to practise your phase 5 phonics sounds.

Click on the image below to take you to Discovery Education. Today we are learning about the naughty letter o. Sometimes he says o in hop and sometimes he says his name in over!

username: student4991

password: vincent2

Watch the video and then have a go at sorting the words or reading the words.

Finally, use the words below to make up a silly sentence! I may give a Record of Achievement for the ones that make me laugh!



Spelling Test and English 01.05.2020

Learning Objective: To read and spell words with alternative pronunciations and form letters correctly

Good luck with your spelling test this week! Let me know how many you got so I can do the Super Star Speller certificates.


Learning Objective: To use a capital letter at the beginning of a sentence and combine words to make a sentence.

What is the Shift key?

To make a capital letter on a computer, press and hold down the ‘shift’ key (the ones in blue on the picture) at the same time as you press the letter you want to be a capital. This works on a phone or ipad keyboard too. If you are using a phone or an ipad, it usually starts typing with a capital letter anyway!

If you are writing down your sentences, this is how you form your capital letters:

Find blog posts for teaching ideas shared for free

Choose one of the pictures below and describe what you can see. Make sure you use full sentences and try to write at least four. There is an example under the first photo for you.

These pictures are all of Kerala in India, the place where our new story is from.

File:Aerial view of kottayam town kerala.jpg - Wikimedia Commons


Rain splatters on the bridge over the river and the people walk in and out of the shops. The noisy cars beep their horns as they drive past the bushy green trees. Spices fill the air from the kitchens in the restaurants. Hopefully sunshine is about to break through the clouds and reflect on to the river.

Kerala India Spice Lands of Kerala - Spirit Journeys Worldwide ...

Why Kerala is known as God's Own Country? -

Kerala, India makes it to top 20 destinations to visit in 2020 by ...

What makes Kerala God's own country? Summer 2020 Vacation Ideas ...

Choose a picture and write your description. Focus on capital letters, full stops and finger spaces.

If you can, email me your work or comment on the blog so I can post your work this afternoon :).