We have nearly finished this book now. For my next book I need some help choosing. I have Fantastic Mr Fox or George’s Marvellous Medicine. Both books are by Roald Dahl. Which one would you like me to read next?
Category Archives: News
Maths 05.05.2020
Learning Objective:To know all the addition and subtraction number bonds to 20
Click on the picture to take you to today’s maths lesson. It is all about using your number bonds to help you add and subtract. Watch the video and have a go at answering the questions by writing them down in your book or on paper.
After you have finished, play Hit the Button number bonds to 20. Click here to play the game on top marks.
Phonics 05.05.2020
Handwriting, Spelling and English 05.05.2020
Learning Objective: To read and spell words with alternative pronunciations and form letters correctly
Learning Objective: Check each sentence makes sense by reading it out loud.
Watch the video below to hear me reading the first two pages of our new story.
What have we learned?
What do we know about Pattan and Kanni?
What do you think is important to Pattan and Kanni?
Imagine you are Pattan (the man) or Kanni (the lady). Write a diary entry explaining what you have done today. Look at the picture closely to see what they are doing. This will help you imagine you are them.
When you have finished your diary entry, read it out loud to someone in your house. If there are any mistakes, you can correct them.
Pattan’s diary might start like this:
Dear Diary,
Today was just like any other day. I rode on my elephant to feed the deer some hay. I watched Kanni feeding the birds.
Have a go and let me know how you get on! đŸ™‚
P.E.- Cosmic Yoga 05.05.2020
This yoga was from Saturday but I love the story and there is a puppy in the video!
Super Spellers 4.5.2020
Science 04.05.2020
Learning Objective: To identify common plants
Today I would like you to start off your cress seeds. Follow the instructions in your new learning pack and remember to record what you did in your cress diary. Each day fill in what is happening to your cress seeds.
Cress is a vegetable so you can eat it but here are some safety tips for you:
We are going to learn some important words about plants today.
When a plant starts to grow and split the seed open, it is called germination.
Here are some pictures of seeds and bulbs germinating.
When you see your cress seeds start to germinate, remember to record that special word in your cress diary.
The picture below shows what a plant looks like, under soil, at each stage of germination.
When it gets to the third stage, the plant has produced a shoot. The shoot then grows up until it pokes out of the soil (or off the tissue). When the shoot is out of the soil, it will start to grow taller and have leaves on it. This is called a seedling.
Today I would like you to watch the video about why plants are important-click here.
Then I would like you to talk to your parents, brother or sister about the plants in the pictures below. The names are underneath but are all jumbled up! Could you copy the pictures of the flowers and write their names underneath. Have you seen all of these flowers before?
The Middler Chapters 26 and 27
Maths 04.05.2020
Learning Objective: To know all the addition and subtraction number bonds to 20
This week we are moving on to addition and subtraction. Today we are going to be using our number bonds to help us!
Use your Classroom Secrets Kids log in to watch the video below:
Have a go at answering the questions below by writing them out in your book or squared paper.
Phonics 04.05.2020
Learning Objective: To read quickly and accurately, words that have alternative sounds.
In your new learning packs you have a log in for Classroom Secrets kids. If you can’t find it, email me and I can send it to you.
To start your phonics lesson today I want you to play this game. Just click on the picture below.
Today we are learning about how to say ‘u’ in different sentences
Go to discovery education by clicking on the picture below.
Watch the video and then have a go at the activities.
Can you write the words below in to groups of different ways of how to say ‘u’.