After a week of studying shapes, Year 1 spent their maths lesson exploring 3D shapes. Some children were making them and some children we stacking them to build things with!
After a week of studying shapes, Year 1 spent their maths lesson exploring 3D shapes. Some children were making them and some children we stacking them to build things with!
The children loved finding the words with the /ie/ sound in a postcard today.
On Thursday Year 1 were challenged with this question:
Max has 17 litres of paint in total.
He has 5 litres of blue paint.
How many litres were yellow?
Many of the children drew a part whole model on their whiteboard to help them complete the question. Well done to this young lady for being able to explain to the class, how she came to the answer.
In D.T. we have looked at a selection of prepared fruit from the supermarket. The children were thinking about the aroma, appearance, texture, taste and the number of different fruits in each container.
Year 1 loved hunting for leaves at the park today. They were fantastic at describing how the leaves have changed since the summer months. Many of the children also explained why they change.
Can you explain why the leaves change?
This half term, Show and Tell will be on a Friday afternoon. Check the parent notices to see who’s turn it is this week.
On Wednesday we held a prayer service to remember people that we knew who have passed on to the Kingdom of Heaven.
One of the children said, “Even though they are dead, God still have them dignity. We should pray for them.”
Once again, thank you those parents who came to start the day with us for family phonics.