15.5.2020 Maths
Learning Objective: Problem Solving.
Here are the answers to yesterday’s problem solving questions for Penny’s Petshop.
Phonics 15.5.2020
Learning Objective: To read words with alternative pronunciations of graphemes.
Today we are learning that another digraph is breaking the rules! Can you name all of the naughty letters that we have learnt about so far? Check the rest of the phonics posts on here to help you.
Today is all about ‘ch’. We know ‘ch’ in chief, such, chair, chat and lunchbox. Today we learn that it steals other grapheme’s sounds!
In school, ch says c.
In chef, ch says sh.
Click on the picture to play cheeky chimps and sort out these pesky words:
username: march20
password: home
15.5.2020 Spelling Test and English
Handwriting and Spellings
Learning Objective: To read and spell quickly and accurately, words that have alternative sounds.
Again, I have done the date incorrectly. Remember to put May instead of April. Sorry!
Learning Objective: (Reading) To become familiar with key stories and make links between them.
To understand the relationship between the title of a book and what happens in the story.
Before we read anymore of the story, I want you think about what the title of this book might be. Comment below or email me what you think and explain why. Think about what stories you know that are similar to this one.
Listen to the next 3 double pages too.
Have a look at the ‘tell me grid’ that you started last week. Can you add anything to it?
P.E. 15.5.2020
I love this song! Have a go at learning the moves for this one.
I wonder if you can work out which characters the girl has on her leggings?
Art 14.5.2020
Learning Objective: To study famous artists.
Click on the picture to take you to the website of a famous artist.
What is the name of the artist?
What type of artwork does he do?
Do you like his artwork? Explain why or why not.
What materials does he use?
Could you make something out of the same materials?
When you go on a walk today, collect the materials you might need to create a piece of art just like this artist.
George’s Marvellous Medicine Chapter 5- The Cook Up and Chapter 6- Brown Paint
14.5.2020 Maths
Learning Objective: To solve problems using addition and subtraction knowledge.
Here are the answers to yesterday’s questions:
Now have a go at answering the rest of Penny’s Pet Shop problems!
I will post a video of the answers tomorrow and also some more problems to have a go at.
14.5.2020 Phonics
14.5.2020 Handwriting, Spellings and English
Handwriting and Spellings
Learning Objective: To read quickly and accurately, words that have alternative sounds.
Again, I have done the date incorrectly. Remember to put May instead of April. Sorry!
Learning Objective: To combine words to create sentences.
Listen to me read the story from the beginning and an extra page today. Can you follow along with me?
New words:
- harvest- gathering crops The farmer harvested the carrots.
- lashing-beating The rain was lashing down on the windows
- flesh-the part of a fruit or vegetable that we eat I bit into the flesh of the peach.
Lots of things happen on this last page. Which words does the author use to describe what Pattan is doing?
The author manages to fit lots of actions in a short piece of writing by putting two actions (verbs) in one sentence.
Battling the lashing rain, Pattan climbed the mountain.
Cutting a big hole, he dived into its orange flesh.
How does this change the way we read this piece of text?
I think that it makes it more dramatic, like Pattan is rushing and panicking.
Think about a time when you have been in a rush or panicked. What were you doing? Think of two verbs. Use them to write a sentence with two actions in just like Chitra Soundar, the author of this story.
Here is my example.
When I rush I sweat and run.
Have a go at writing 2 or 3 sentences with two action words (verbs) in each.