Category Archives: News
Good Friday
The information below explains why Good Friday is such a special day for Christians. Read the information and look at the pictures and then have a go at answering the questions below.
Why did Pontius Pilate wash his hands?
What happened to Jesus when the guards took him away?
Where was Jesus’s body placed after he had died?
How did the disciples feel?
Draw a cross, like the one below, and then decorate it. Can you write words around it explaining why Jesus died on the cross for the world?
Easter Holidays
Hello Year 1, today is the last day of school for two weeks. I am missing you all lots but you deserve a break! Please remember to keep praying for everyone that is sick at the moment and never forget how loved you all are.
I won’t be posting Maths, English, Phonics and RE on here everyday but I will put up a video of me reading our new chapter book together.
You can still email me at but I might not reply straight away as I have been.
Sending you lots of hugs and love. I hope to see you all very soon.
Miss Barr and Finn 🙂
Maths 09.04.20
The Middler Chapter 1
I wasn’t going to post any story time videos this week as it is Holy Week. However, I have had emails from parents saying that you are missing them. I have decided to read a chapter book to you all. This is a long story but a very good one. It is Mrs Tibbits book that she has lent to me and I really enjoyed reading it. I have put the pages on to the video so you can see what I am reading. At the end of each video I will explain the main parts so you can understand it a bit better. Here is part 1:
Star of the Week 09.04.20
Congratulations Thomas!
Maundy/Holy Thursday
Today is called Maundy Thursday or Holy Thursday. It is a special day as Jesus had his last meal before he died. He knew he was going to die but his twelve disciples did not. Jesus was Jewish so they had a special celebration meal together called The Passover Meal. Watch the video below.
Why did Jesus’ disciples not want them to wash their feet?
Jesus came to serve us. What does that mean?
Can you draw a picture of Jesus and his twelve disciples eating The Passover Meal? Write underneath what happened at the meal.
Today I would like you to read the story ‘Nok’s Lunch’. He is a mischievous little alien. You can click on the picture of the book and it will take you straight there.
New word: mischievous- causing trouble in a playful way. Miss Barr was feeling mischievous in the garden.
Have a go at the activities after you have read the book and let me know what you think :-).
Maths. Counting in, and making equal groups
Monday and Tuesday Holy Week
Today we focus on Monday and Tuesday of Holy week. Watch the video below to see what Jesus did in the Temple on Monday.
He cleared the temple. Why?
Is it okay to be angry?
He was very angry with what the merchants (sellers) had done to the Temple. Have you ever been so angry that you have changed something for the better?
On Tuesday Jesus preached and went to the Mount of Olives after clearing the Temple on Monday. He spent Monday and Tuesday of Holy Week preparing everyone for what he knew was coming, Easter. He knew that he was going to die to save everyone.
Today, I would like you to help to clean your house and then make some things to decorate ready for Easter. You could draw some pictures of eggs and colour them in or have a look at the website below if you have some eggs at home your parents can help you to decorate.