Science 27.04.2020

This half term, in Science, you will be learning all about plants. In your new Home Learning Packs you will have some seeds to plant and keep an eye on. There is also an exercise book for you to do your work in. You will be able to collect your new home learning packs on Friday 1st May. Your parents will be given a time to come to school to collect it.

Learning Objective: To name and describe the structure of a plant.

For now I would like you to read the information about plants and have a go at answering the questions. You can type the answers in the comments, email them to me or write them on a piece of paper.


Maths 27.04.2020

Learning Objective: To find half of an object, shape or number.

Watch this video to help you understand what a half is. Click here.

Log in details are

username: student4991

password: vincent2


Then click on the picture to take you to your Maths lessons for this week.

You do not need to log in or print anything off. Watch the videos and then have a go at the activities by answering on a piece of paper or your whiteboard.



After you have had a go at finding half try playing this game. Just click on the picture.

When you get to the game, click on halves and then choose one of the buttons:



Phonics 27.04.2020

Learning Objective: To read quickly and accurately, words that have alternative sounds.

Watch the video below to learn the four different ways that you can say the letter ‘a’.


Now go on to discovery education and have a go for yourself! You can watch another video there too, if you need some more help.

Log in details:

username: student4991

password: vincent2

Click on the picture:

Learning on the Blog-Timetable


The next two days might be the last two days of online learning for you. While I get things ready for you to come back to school, each lesson posted on here might not be as long. There are lots of videos and games on Discovery Education, Phonics Play, Classroom Secrets Kids and don’t forget to carry on reading using the Oxford Owl website. I can’t wait to see you all again!

Email me if you need anything: