New word: fond-liking something or someone. I am fond of the Year 1 class.
What did Sam use to clean the Snagglegrollop’s teeth?
What food did the Snagglegrollop eat?
Why is the Snagglegrollop sad? What would make him happier?
Pop your answers in the comment box below.
hi it me am here in home siting on the laptop am on stvinst
Well done for accessing the blog Abubakr!
Why do you think the snagglegrollop is sad? What would make him happier?
hi I am at home on the laptop sitting on the sofa on the the st Vincent blog
hello miss barr
hi miss barr he uses a sweeping brush he eats an eeg he is sad he doesn’t have friends friends would make him happy
Thomas, what fantastic ideas you have. Thank you for commenting on the blog. I hope you are well. I am missing all of year 1. Check on the blog at 12 o’clock today for part 2 of the Snagglegrollop.