We were very good at counting from 1-50 in school. Keep up the practise with this fun game 🙂 Can you press all of the numbers in order up to 50 before 60 seconds is up?
We were very good at counting from 1-50 in school. Keep up the practise with this fun game 🙂 Can you press all of the numbers in order up to 50 before 60 seconds is up?
Before we broke up from school, we were starting to learn that some letters sound different in different words. This is a great game to practise the different pronunciations.
Hi everyone! As the weather isn’t looking as good this week, I set you a new challenge-build a den!
You need to ask parents first but tomorrow you could build a den and read a story to your teddies and toys inside the den. It is great fun and gives your parents a break too.
Here are some ideas:
Yoga is a great way to calm down, stretch and strengthen our bodies. Here is a video of 6 yoga routines you can try this week. Cosmic Yoga tells a story whilst exercising. These videos are based on children’s films are are great fun! Can you name the films?
This week we will be practising our spellings with the u_e spelling. These two letters work together to make an /oo/ sound, even when there is a letter in-between them. Have a go!
Why are they cutting their hedge to look like a Snagglegrollop?
What are the Snagglegrollop and Quibblesnuff doing?
I think that Sam is brave asking his dad if Emily can come over to his house. Why is that brave?
Write a description of the Snagglegrollop using what we have learnt about adjectives.
Write your description in a comment below or email it to me.
Which story would you like next week?
Dogger or A Squash and A Squeeze?
Have a go at the game Picnic on Pluto.
Use the log in: march20Â password:home
to access lots of fun games.
Year 1 children should be focusing all phase 5 GPCs. You can see the button at the bottom right of the screen in the picture ‘Revise all Phase 5’
New word: enchanted-under a spell. The girl was enchanted by a magic rose.
Why is Snagglegrollop spying on Sam at school?
Where did the Snagglegrollop meet the Quibblesnuff?
What did they do together?
Draw a picture of where you think they have gone to.
Email me a picture of your drawing and I’ll put it on the blog.
I have really enjoyed doing PE with Joe Wicks every morning this week. He does a half an hour lesson at 9am live everyday! See if you can join in too!