Phonics 07.05.2020

Learning Objective: To read quickly and accurately, words that have alternative sounds.

Start your phonics lesson by saying the sounds for all of the phonemes on the Phonics Play game Flashcards Speed Trial.

username: march20

password: home

Today you are learning that ‘ea’ doesn’t always sound like ‘ee’. Click on the image to take you to Discover Education and then log in. Watch the video and do the sorting activities on the side.

username: student4991

password: vincent2


In these words the letters ‘ea’ are making the /e/ sound like in bed.

Can you write sentences with these words in?


Handwriting, Spelling and English 07.05.2020

Learning Objective: To read quickly and accurately, words that have alternative sounds.


Learning Objective: (Reading) To explain why a character does or says things.

Listen to me telling the story from the beginning again. This time I will show you the illustrations too.

How can we tell that the pumpkin is an important part of the story?

What might the animals be thinking as they look at it?

Is Pattan worried about the plant?

Might he be worried about the animals eating it while it is still growing?


What do you think Pattan is saying? Draw a picture of Pattan, like I have, and draw a speech bubble to write what he is saying. Try not to laugh at my drawing!

If Pattan wanted to protect the pumpkin he could stand guard by it or put a fence up but Pattan is a busy man with lots of animals.

Can you help him by making a sign to put next to the plant? Think about what they sign would say.



Music and Computing 6.5.2020


Learning Objective: listen with concentration and understanding to a range of high-quality live and recorded music

Click on the picture below to take you to your music lessons. There are two lessons that you can work your way through and then some fun games on the unicorn tab for afterwards.

Remember that you will need to log in. I have emailed you your log in details but parents can email me for them if you can find them 🙂 .



Learning Objective: create and debug simple programs

Click on the picture of or the angry birds to take you to your log in page for

Your class join code is: YKNRMS

Your own secret words are in the back of your planner. If you can’t find them email me or ask your parents to email me.


Maths 06.05.2020

Learning Objective: To know all the addition and subtraction number bonds to 20

Start your lesson by playing Hit The Button on Top Marks. Click on number bonds and then click up to 20.

Click on the picture to take you to your White Rose Maths lesson today. You are completing part-whole models to help you with addition and subtraction. I know you are all very good at this :)!

When you have finished, have a go at playing Smoothie Maths. You can practise your bonds to 10, 20 and 100!

Phonics and English 06.05.2020

Learning Objective: To read quickly and accurately, words that have alternative sounds.

Start today’s phonics lesson by playing buried treasure on Phonics Play.

Click on the picture and log in

username: march20

password: home

Then click ‘revise all phase 5’ and see how much treasure you can win!

Then watch the video of me reading some words. What sound do you think we are learning today? Which digraph is being naughty?

Here are the word in the video to use in your own sentences:

  • shield
  • pie
  • priest
  • tie
  • lie
  • die
  • chief
  • field
  • cried
  • brief

When you have finished click here to play a game. Click on play and then ‘ie’.

Handwriting, Spelling and English 06.05.2020

Learning Objective:


Learning Objective:

I am going to read the first to double pages to you. You have seen the illustrations on the first double page but not the second. Listen to me reading the story so far and then listen to it again to really think about the words.

There is a new word for us to learn-ailing

ailing-in poor health/not very well

Pattan found an ailing plant in the valley.

Pattan found a poorly plant in the valley.

What did Pattan decide to do to the plant? Do you think he knew what the plant was? Why didn’t Pattan just leave the plant to die?

Remember that I told you the new book is a story that has been told for many years by the Irula people. Although the story is a myth (it is an old made up story), the place where it is told is a real place. The pictures below show you the Sahyadri Mountains where the story is set.

Top 15 Natural Attractions of Sahyadri Ranges in Maharashtra

Western Ghats - Wikipedia

Suvela Machi fortification, Sahyadri Mountain range, Rajgad ...

Sahyadri Mountains Photo Essay | Brad Beaman

Aren’t the mountains beautiful?

I would like you to close your eyes and listen to me reading the story again. What can you see in your head when you think of the Sahyadri Mountains, our main characters Pattan and his wife, Kanni? What illustrations do you think are on the next page in the book?

Draw a picture of what you think is on the next page  of the story. I have typed the words below to help you.

One day, Pattan found an ailing plant in the valley. It had beautiful yellow flowers. “I’ll plant it by my hut and look after it,” he thought. 

The plant liked its new home. It’s yellow flowers smiled at the sun. “Look!” Pattan called one day, “A pumpkin has started to grow.”

R.E. 05.05.2020

Learning Objective: To hear, read and become familiar with the main events, characters and places in the life of Jesus: The Resurrection. 

Here is a piece of artwork that shows a really important part of Jesus’ life.

What can you see in the picture?

How do you feel about the picture?

Do you know what happened before this?

Why did this happen?

Who is in the picture?

Challenge: If you go for a walk today, look up in to the sky. If there are clouds, can you make a picture with the clouds in your mind? If there aren’t any clouds, imagine what is beyond the sky.