I hope you’re enjoying The Middler. Let me know what you think below.
I hope you’re enjoying The Middler. Let me know what you think below.
It is a long chapter today. This one is a little bit sad so prepare yourselves.
Today is both St. George’s Day and the first day of Ramadan. Click on the pictures of each celebration to learn more about them. I wish you all a lovely day and good luck to our families who begin their fast today, many blessings to you.
The log in details for the website are:
username: student4991
password: vincent
Imagine you are invited to an animal party, a pirate party or a super hero party. Draw a picture of the mask you would make!
Click on the link to read the book.
This is a good one for reusing plastic bottles rather than throwing them in the bin. I’ll post a good idea tomorrow!
Another 2 chapters today…enjoy 🙂
Every Friday morning at school, we have Friday Dance. You guys seem to love Rock ‘n’ Roll music. Here is a video to learn some Rock ‘n’ Roll moves. Each Friday I will post a Rock ‘n’ Roll song for you to start your day, just like we would together at school! I can’t wait to see how you improve your moves!
Get comfortable because I am reading 2 chapters today!
If you have missed any of the chapters, you can find them all on
The Middler (<– or click on these words) section of the blog.
Even animals have to have a special passport if they go to another country.