Learning Objective: To understand what is being read and make links to other stories.
Listen to me reading the first 3 double pages of the story and follow the words. Then listen again and take a good look at the illustrations.
We like to think about the books we are reading so I would like you to draw a ‘tell me’ grid in your books or on paper. Have a go at writing down (or ask your parents to write as you talk) the things you like and dislike about the book so far. Then think about anything that puzzles you (any questions you would like to ask) and whether the book reminds you of another story.
Grown ups or older siblings-if you are helping a child to do this task, the focus is on what they say rather than whether they can write it down. Feel free to write for them on this task as they can often say more than they can write down.
There are only two more videos of The Middler left. I will post one tomorrow and the final one on Saturday as a treat! I will start the next book on Monday. Choose which one you would like out of the two pictured below:
Learning Objective: Add and subtract numbers up to 20.
Start your lesson by counting the toys. Click on the image to go to discovery education. Log in and play the game. Can you work out how many toys are on the screen without counting them one by one?
Then go to for Week 3, Lesson 4.
It is all about adding by counting on from a number within 20.
Learning Objective: To read quickly and accurately, words that have alternative sounds.
Start your phonics lesson by saying the sounds for all of the phonemes on the Phonics Play game Flashcards Speed Trial.
username: march20
password: home
Today you are learning that ‘ea’ doesn’t always sound like ‘ee’. Click on the image to take you to Discover Education and then log in. Watch the video and do the sorting activities on the side.
username: student4991
password: vincent2
In these words the letters ‘ea’ are making the /e/ sound like in bed.
Learning Objective: To read quickly and accurately, words that have alternative sounds.
Learning Objective: (Reading) To explain why a character does or says things.
Listen to me telling the story from the beginning again. This time I will show you the illustrations too.
How can we tell that the pumpkin is an important part of the story?
What might the animals be thinking as they look at it?
Is Pattan worried about the plant?
Might he be worried about the animals eating it while it is still growing?
What do you think Pattan is saying? Draw a picture of Pattan, like I have, and draw a speech bubble to write what he is saying. Try not to laugh at my drawing!
If Pattan wanted to protect the pumpkin he could stand guard by it or put a fence up but Pattan is a busy man with lots of animals.
Can you help him by making a sign to put next to the plant? Think about what they sign would say.