12.5.2020 Maths

Learning Objective: To know all the number bonds to and within 10. Use them for related facts in addition and subtraction.

Watch the video reminding you of your number bonds to 10. Numberblocks are a great way to help you with your numbers.



Click on the picture to watch the video for maths today.

White Rose have taken down the question sheets for the free version but I have made videos explaining the questions below. Try and do it with me and then have a go at the questions at the bottom. The challenges are at the bottom for you to do after.

Have a go at these.




Maths 07.05.2020

Learning Objective: Add and subtract numbers up to 20.

Start your lesson by counting the toys. Click on the image to go to discovery education. Log in and play the game. Can you work out how many toys are on the screen without counting them one by one?

Then go to  for Week 3, Lesson 4.

It is all about adding by counting on from a number within 20.

You can then play Smoothie Maths afterwards:

Maths 06.05.2020

Learning Objective: To know all the addition and subtraction number bonds to 20

Start your lesson by playing Hit The Button on Top Marks. Click on number bonds and then click up to 20.

Click on the picture to take you to your White Rose Maths lesson today. You are completing part-whole models to help you with addition and subtraction. I know you are all very good at this :)!

When you have finished, have a go at playing Smoothie Maths. You can practise your bonds to 10, 20 and 100!

Maths 05.05.2020

Learning Objective:To know all the addition and subtraction number bonds to 20

Click on the picture to take you to today’s maths lesson. It is all about using your number bonds to help you add and subtract. Watch the video and have a go at answering the questions by writing them down in your book or on paper.

After you have finished, play Hit the Button number bonds to 20. Click here to play the game on top marks.

Maths 04.05.2020

Learning Objective: To know all the addition and subtraction number bonds to 20

This week we are moving on to addition and subtraction. Today we are going to be using our number bonds to help us!

Use your Classroom Secrets Kids log in to watch the video below:

Number Bonds to 10 Video Tutorial

Have a go at answering the questions below by writing them out in your book or squared paper.



Maths 30.04.2020

Learning Objective: To solve problems using knowledge of fractions and mass

Click on the image to take you to today’s lesson, Lesson 4.

Remember to watch the video before you try the questions! The video is teaching you how to answer the types of questions you will be trying, just like we do at school.

Here are some games to carry on practising your fractions!

Log in details:

username: student4991

password: vincent2

Maths 29.04.2020

Learning Objective: To find a quarter of an object, shape or number.

Today you are carrying on practising making quarters. Today you will be finding quarters of a number of objects. Remember that 1/4 is found when you put something in to 4 equal groups and then count one group.

Click on the image below to go to today’s lesson-Lesson 3.

Click here to play a game when you have finished. 🙂 



Maths 27.04.2020

Learning Objective: To find half of an object, shape or number.

Watch this video to help you understand what a half is. Click here.

Log in details are

username: student4991

password: vincent2


Then click on the picture to take you to your Maths lessons for this week.

You do not need to log in or print anything off. Watch the videos and then have a go at the activities by answering on a piece of paper or your whiteboard.



After you have had a go at finding half try playing this game. Just click on the picture.

When you get to the game, click on halves and then choose one of the buttons: