Live Lessons on Teams

Every day on Teams you will have:

  • A lesson at 9:30-10:00am
  • A lesson at 12-12:30pm 

Lessons on Friday stop at 12pm so we will only have one lesson on a Friday at 9:30am.

Every day on J2homework you will have:

  • Maths
  • English 
  • Reading on Epic reading
  • Theme, Computing or R.E
  • Handwriting
  • PE

Some days there may be some extra tasks to do on there.

We may have more lessons some days but I will let you know the day before. The lessons will not always be English and Maths. Sometimes we will have R.E. or Theme. I will let you know what we are doing the day before on the blog.

School laptops

Remember that school laptops are given to be used only by children who attend St Vincent’s. All of the internet searches are monitored by school even though you are using your own internet

If any laptop is used to search rude or unkind things then Mrs Tibbits will contact you to remove the laptop.

Laptops are for learning.

Keep your body moving this Lockdown!

Joe Wicks is back to help your body stay healthy and strong! This is the link for PE Monday, Wednesday and Friday:

Here is Monday’s video:

Don’t forget to keep your body moving and take breaks with your work just like we do at school!

Here are some links to your favourite wake up shake ups that we do in class!

Or even a just dance! Mrs Capper’s favourite!

Mrs Dunleavy loves a good dance to Rock and Roll music. Learn some moves here:

Parents, Mrs Capper, Mrs Dunleavey and I join in with the children in class so I think it is only fair if you do too!  

Online Learning Friday 8th January

Today was amazing Year 2! So many of you managed to get on to teams and watch the lesson. Well done to those children who did their work on J2Homework afterwards. Remember to edit the worksheet, complete and save before you close. Then you need to click on ‘Mark as complete’ button on J2Homework so that I know you have done it. There are other pieces of homework that you need to complete on there each day too. There is handwriting, RE and English that needs to be complete today please.

Tomorrow we will do these lessons:

9am English

11am Maths

1pm R.E.

I look forward to seeing you there!

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