Category Archives: R.E.
Prayers for the Holy Family
Prayers for the Holy Family. Check back later for some more!
Stories from the Old Testament
We have been reading some of the well known stories in the Old Testament. God gave us all talents, including the people in these stories. Although the didn’t always get things right before Jesus came, they tried served God as they thought they should.
David and Goliath
David was given the gift of faith. He had faith in God to help him defeat the Philistine Goliath. This helped to save the Israelites.
Noah’s Ark
Noah was given the gift of trust. He trusted God to look after him and his family when the flood came. God promised never to do this again.
The Call of Samuel
Samuel was given the gift of listening. He listened to God and delivered His important messages to the people.
What gift did God give you?
How will you use your gift?
Hindu temple
Although it was very wet, Year 1 enjoyed seeing the Hindu Deities and the beautiful rangoli patterns on the floor around the temple.
Yesterday we came into the classroom and we found a new little friend. John the elf got all of our decorations ready for us to prepare in this season of advent.
On Friday we learnt about baptism. Some of the children acted out the sacrament whilst using water, a candle and the oil of chrism. The rest of the class said prayers for the newly baptised baby.
Does it have to be a baby when the sacrament of baptism is being given?
Remembrance prayer service
On Wednesday we held a prayer service to remember people that we knew who have passed on to the Kingdom of Heaven.
One of the children said, “Even though they are dead, God still have them dignity. We should pray for them.”
They haven’t forgotten their Reception class assembly song!
We work hard to show respect to others
On wednesday 25th September, we had a prayer service where we thought about who we were going to work hard to make happy that day. It was lovely and the children kept it a secret. Some children managed to guess who was trying to make them happy!
The Creation Story
After hearing the Creation story today in R.E. some of us played with the animals God created while others explored outside; drew some beautiful plants and even created prayers of thanks to God for his world. 🙏