Geography 08.05.2020

Learning Objective: Name and locate the four countries of the UK, including characteristics of those places (rivers).

The largest river in the United Kingdom is the River Severn. Watch the video below showing you where the river starts, where it goes and where it finishes.

Key words to listen out for

Bank- the ground at the side of the river

Bed- the ground under the water of the river

Current- the flow of the river

Depth- how deep the river is

Erosion- the wearing away of rocks as the water and rocks rub together

Meander- a bend in the river

Mouth- where the river meets the sea

Source- where the river starts

Write down any questions that you have about rivers and I will try to answer them in your next Geography lesson next week :).


Phonics 8.5.2020

Learning Objective: To read and spell words that cannot be sounded out phonetically (tricky words).

Click on Phonics Play to practise reading tricky words on Tricky Word Trucks.

username: march20

password: home

Watch the video showing you how to say all of the phase 5 tricky words. Make sure your join in.

Have a go at reading these sentences. Can you answer the questions?

Did you find any of the words tricky? Which ones?

Spelling test and English 08.05.2020


Learning Objective: To understand what is being read and make links to other stories.

Listen to me reading the first 3 double pages of the story and follow the words. Then listen again and take a good look at the illustrations.



We like to think about the books we are reading so I would like you to draw a ‘tell me’ grid in your books or on paper. Have a go at writing down (or ask your parents to write as you talk) the things you like and dislike about the book so far. Then think about anything that puzzles you (any questions you would like to ask) and whether the book reminds you of another story.

Grown ups or older siblings-if you are helping a child to do this task, the focus is on what they say rather than whether they can write it down. Feel free to write for them on this task as they can often say more than they can write down.

Tell me grid


7.5.2020 Design Technology

Learning Objective: Explore and evaluate a range of existing products with wheels and axles.

Wheels are everywhere around us! Watch the video below explaining how wheels work.

Can you name 10 things which have wheels?

Why do they all have wheels?

What is the job of a wheel?

What is the job of an axle?

Can you draw a picture of what a car looks like underneath?

Maths 07.05.2020

Learning Objective: Add and subtract numbers up to 20.

Start your lesson by counting the toys. Click on the image to go to discovery education. Log in and play the game. Can you work out how many toys are on the screen without counting them one by one?

Then go to  for Week 3, Lesson 4.

It is all about adding by counting on from a number within 20.

You can then play Smoothie Maths afterwards: