Last half term year 2 enjoyed studying a video about an inventor. After writing his story, the children made it into a puppet show. They had great fun making the set, character and then acting it out.
Last half term year 2 enjoyed studying a video about an inventor. After writing his story, the children made it into a puppet show. They had great fun making the set, character and then acting it out.
Can you practise The Snail and The Whale story map everyday? This will help you to remember the story so that we can write our own similar ones!
Here is our working Word Wall for all of our new vocabulary.
We have learnt that the Robot in our story is broken hearted. We have been trying to fix him,
Today we have finished the story! We are now exploring the story though story-mapping; adding text to illustrations; building dangerous and difficult things for Anna and Crocodile and drawing illustrations that we remember from the story.
The children know the story so well that they can do all of this without looking at the book.