Click on the link to watch some more videos about Safer Internet Day 2021:
Safer Internet Day
Click on the link to watch some more videos about Safer Internet Day 2021:
Look at Kais’s amazing work using derived facts for division!
She always completes all of her work with lots of effort. She also gets involved in the Teams lessons by answering questions on the chat box. Her etiquette for online learning has really improved as is as polite as she has always been.
Who will win next week?
Howdy Year 2!
Mrs Bell has found an amazing new reading website for us to use!
Click on the picture and the type in the class code: wzp5343
I have chosen books for you to read this week.
Find them by clicking on your mailbox and then they will be there for you!
Happy reading!
I can see what you have read and how much of each book, magazine or comic you have read too. You will earn J2stars for extra reading!