Modgin moch

Year 5!


Today’s question: What is the capital of Ireland? (click on the picture to find the answer)

Well done Summer and Shahd, who are this weeks stars. Summer for her engaging and thoughtful story and Shahd for her continued dedication to her online learning.

“Quote of the Day” –  Handwriting Practice


Click on the picture to see David Attenborough speaking to a crowd of 100,000 people at Glastonbury Festival last year.

Sir David Attenborough (1926 -), naturalist and national treasure has been teaching us about the beauty, importance and fragility of the natural world for 55 years. While making his documentaries David Attenborough has seen the changes caused by global warming and this has encouraged him to make even more programmes to show people the amazing world we could lose if we don’t change our ways.

“What humans do over the next 50 years will determine the fate of all life on the planet.”

– Sir David Attenborough

Click here for a worksheet for the week’s videos: Video Questions

An Unlikely Hero

  1. What species of penguin are these chicks?
  2. What happens to the soft down on the chick’s neck when the petrel tries to grab it?
  3. How do the penguins organise themselves against the petrel?
  4. How tall are the penguin chicks?
  5. What impresses you about the penguins’ behaviour?
  6. How does the narrator describe the adélie penguin?
  7. Which is bigger, the adélie penguin or the emperor chick?
  8. Why is the adélie referred to as an ‘unlikely hero’?


These 5-a-day come in 4 levels of difficulty. Click on the word for that level of question. Platinum are the most challenging.

Bronze / Silver / Gold / Platinum


Bronze / Silver / Gold / Platinum

Summer Term Week 12: Lesson 1 – Metric units
Click on the picture below to take you to the White Rose page.  Click on ‘Summer Term – Week 6’ then – Lesson 1 – Metric unit

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