Tuesday 14th July, 2020

Good morning

year 5!


“Quote of the Day” –  Handwriting Practice

William Wilberforce (1759 – 1833) was a politician and philanthropist from Yorkshire, in the north of England. He was the leader of the movement to ban the slave trade. As a young politician, he went on a tour of Europe and became depressed at the pointless selfishness of his life. This led him to Christianity and he decided to devote his life to doing God’s work. It took him over 40 years to beat the power and greed of Britain’s businessmen but he proved that perseverance and democracy could work.

Music: The theme to ‘The Mission’ by Ennio Morricone

William Wilberforce and the End of the Slave Trade

  1. How old was William Wilberforce when he got his seat in parliament?
  2. By the late 1700s, how many Africans were being forced into slavery by British and American slavers?
  3. When did William Wilberforce become a Christian?
  4. What did John Newton persuade Wilberforce to do?
  5. How many times were they defeated in parliament?
  6. In what year was the slave trade banned?
  7. When was slavery finally banned in the British Empire?
  8. When was it banned in the US?


These 5-a-day come in 4 levels of difficulty. Click on the word for that level of question. Platinum are the most challenging.

Bronze / Silver / Gold / Platinum


Bronze / Silver / Gold / Platinum

 Summer Term Week 12: Lesson 2 – Imperial units
Click on the picture below to take you to the White Rose page.  Click on ‘Summer Term – Week 12’ then – Lesson 2 –

Classroom Secrets here:

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