Tuesday 8th September, 2020 – Computing

Good morning Year 5! 🙂

Today you are going to have a go at sending me some work by email.

I’ve split the work into 4 parts: A, B, C and D. Use the letters and question numbers to label your answers please.

Bayeux tapestry mystery: England's cultural icon may have been made for France


1. What happened in 1066? This is your record of achievement question.                                             Click on the picture above to find the answer.

Click on the picture to find out about St. Francis.


  1. When was he alive?
  2. Where did he come from?
  3. What is he the patron saint of?


The Memories of Elephants – David Attenborough


  1. How many generations are there in the herd?
  2. What do the elephants come across?
  3. What do the elephants do to the bones?
  4. Complete the quote: “Perhaps the elephants have a sense of a shared ___________.”
  5. What do you notice about the way the group behaves as they stand over the bones?
  6. What impression do you get of the elephants? Give two impressions.


D                                               Lion

  1. Look at the title and the picture. What do you think the film is about?
  2. How does the artist make the buffalo look mean and evil?
  3. How do you think the lion feels before he goes to sleep? Why? How can you tell?
  4. Look closely at the dead trees. Do you notice anything about them?
  5. Watch the lion’s dream very closely? What happens? How is it different to his real life at the moment? How does it end?
  6. How do you think the lion feels when he wakes up?
  7. What do you think causes the greening of the land?
  8. How does beating the water buffalo change the lion’s world?

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