Good morning

year 5!


Today’s question: What are the two names of this flag? Click on the flag to find out.

Year 5 (in school) wanted to share this with you. It’s a lime hawk moth caterpillar or mimas tiliae. They found it on the big lime tree in the playground.

And here is the Lime Hawkmoth it will become:

“Quote of the Day” –  Handwriting Practice


Music: This is specially for Mrs. Devaney, ‘Song for Athene’ by British composer John Taverner 


 Just how smart are dolphins?

  1. What are the scientists using to find out how intelligent the dolphins are?
  2. What are three unusual actions the dolphins perform in front of the mirror?
  3. These actions show that the dolphin really understands something very unusual for an animal. What is it that the dolphin understands?

Plastics in the oceans

  1. How many millions of tonnes end up in the oceans every year?

Is there any plastic in your life that you could do without? Do you have a reusable drink botttle? What about clothes? How many of your clothes are cotton and how many are polyester?

If we don’t buy it, what do you think companies will do?

Click here to go to the BBC plastics watch website

The video above shows an important historical document. It is one of the actual petitions that William Wilberforce and his allies presented to parliament during their campaign to abolish slavery.

These days many petitions are done online. Click on the picture below to go to the parliament petitions website and sign some petitions!


These 5-a-day come in 4 levels of difficulty. Click on the word for that level of question. Platinum are the most challenging.

Bronze / Silver / Gold Platinum


Bronze Silver / Gold / Platinum

Summer Term Week 12: Lesson 1 – Metric units
Click on the picture below to take you to the White Rose page.  Click on ‘Summer Term – Week 12’ then – Lesson 1 – Metric units

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