Monday 1st June, 2020

 Welcome back year 5! 🙂

 “Quote of the Day”

Handwriting Practice 

Jalāl ad-Dīn Muhammad Rūmī (1207 – 1273)or simply Rumi as he is known in Western culture was a poet, Islamic scholar, faqih and Sufi mystic who became one of the most famous and influential writer’s in the Islamic world and beyond. He has been described as the best-selling poet in the US, although the Western world only knows and understands a tiny fraction of his work.

The burial place of Rumi in Turkey

“Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself.”

 Spelling Test – 4

 English – Floodland

Here is cover of Floodland. What is Zoe looking at in the distance? How do you think she feels? Does the cover show an event that takes place in the story?

Watch the videos below about Ely cathedral. One of them, you’ve seen before.


The pictures below are all famous English cathedrals or churches. 

The photographer has chosen certain weather a light to change how we feel when we look at the building. Think of an adjective; an emotion that goes with each one. What makes each picture feel that way?

Now re-read pages 12 and 19-20. Imagine you are Zoe in her boat and you’ve just woken up to the sight of Ely Cathedral on the horizon ‘floating on the sea’. Have a go at drawing what you see.

Ely Cathedral Poem

From your boat you can see the water lapping at the ground and at the buildings around the cathedral. You can see the ancient stones rising out of the waves and into the sky and in the centre, there’s the steeple of the Cathedral above everything and aiming for heaven. Think of adjectives or participle adjectives to describe each of the nouns below.

waves                         stone                        steeple

watching waves, dark waves, hungry waves, cunning waves, heartless waves, cold waves, waiting waves, patient waves, tireless waves, thirsty waves, whispering waves

Try to come up with at least 10 words to describe each noun. Remember that you are Zoe looking up at the cathedral, how do you feel about the water? How do you feel about the cathedral?

_________ waves, _________ waves, _________waves ……………..

Finally try some personification to tell us what the waves are doing. You’ll need a verb or verb phrase.

Watching waves, dark waves, thirsty waves waiting for me


In case you’ve forgotten, personification is when we describe something as is it is a person or give it human things to do. Watching, waiting and being thirsty are human things but here they are used to describe the waves.

Now try the stone and the steeple. Zoe has been in her boat on the sea all night; she’s sick of the water but how does she feel about the cathedral?


These 5-a-day come in 4 levels of difficulty. Click on the word for that level of question. Platinum are the most challenging.

Bronze / Silver Gold / Platinum


Bronze / Silver / Gold / Platinum

Summer Term Week 6: Lesson 1 – Multiply unit and non-unit fractions by integers
Click on the picture below to take you to the White Rose page.  Click on ‘Summer Term – Week 6’ then – Lesson 1 – Multiply unit and non-unit fractions by integers.



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