
The lockers are metal.
The railing is metal too.
This pot feels cold and hard.
This bottle is glass but the bookcase is wooden.



Laudato Si’

Thank you to Sis Eleanor who came in and taught us about Pope Francis’s letter, asking us all to protect the earth.

We thought about actions which help the Earth and actions which harm the Earth.
Thank you for playing for us too, Sis Eleanor.
We are praying that God will help us to please Him in all that we say and do.


Take a look at this fabulous animation.

The Emperor Penguin

Since reading The Emperor Penguin, we have become experts. We have been sharing information and presenting facts back to our class mates.


Do I have enough money to buy from the shop?
I can now add.
60 has 6 tens, 2 has 2 ones, this = 62!
This item was £11.64. My partner had £10 and I had change so I added £1.64 so we could buy the item together.

In Maths we are learning to count money. Some of us are using visual Maths to learn to add coins and some of us are buying items from Miss Antonio’s shop.


The Emperor’s Egg

This half term, we are reading The Emperor’s Egg. We already know so much about penguins because of this book. To help us understand the words in the book, we have been practising what the actions look like.



Can you match a picture to the words:

  • trundle
  • huddle
  • waddle
  • snuggle
  • shuffle


Autumn Day

Last term, during Autumn day years 1 and 2 learnt about the season and how things change. Take a look at some of the activities we engaged in.