Thursday 21st January 2021


The timetable is a guide only.  Please change the times to suit your day.

Good morning !

It’s a day to celebrate ….

Yesterday was a very important  day . Do you know why?

The woman in the photo is Kamala Harris. She is the first woman , and the first  Black American (Jamaican) and Indian – American to be vice president of the United States of America. Find out more by watching the video .

It was also a special day for young African -American  poet  Amanda Gorman. She is only 22 years old but had the very special job of writing a poem for the new president. What an amazing achievement . Maybe you could find out more about Amanda.Would like to be a poet when you grow up ?

Ok, let’ s get started …
Finger gym

Have a go at these exercises. See if you can spot Ms. Wakeling’s favourite rhyme (clue: open and …… them ) .

You know what to do superstars !

Practice the letter u . Write  ten  letters (u)  in your book .


Longer Words 

Can you blend, read and then decide if your word is a real word or an alien word.

Click on the link below and play Obb and Bob.

You may log in with the following details:

username: jan21

password: home




Watch the next video for your follow up questions.





Have another listen to our story The Snail and the Whale.  Listen carefully as there will be an activity for you to complete afterwards.

Activity – Look at the pictures and write an interesting sentence to describe what is happening. 

Here are some sentence  starters to help you:

The tiny snail…………….                                                    Later, a whale ………………

  1.  2.  3. 4.

Extension – Answer these questions in your book. 

Think about the Whales song.

  1. Why is he singing to the snail?
  2. What does he sing about?

Here is what an actual Whale’s song sounds like!

3) How would you describe it? What does it sound like?



Click on the image below for lesson 6. You will  need all your science knowledge next week for a special task. Make sure you listen carefully and think about waterproof materials.

Story Time

Let’s end our day with a prayer about the special people in our life .

Another busy day Year 1 !

Relax and have a good afternoon.

Year 1 team

2 thoughts on “Thursday 21st January 2021

  1. Jahmari did really well with his writing today. Very proud he sat and listened. Best part of the day is story time for jahmari, he loves a good story. Thank you

    1. I am so happy to hear that . Well done Jahmari ! Let us know what else you like and we’ll try and put some on the blog for you.
      You are a superstar.

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