Monday 29th June 2020

Good morning growers !

Who has been planting radishes ?
How have you been keeping healthy ?
Here are two superstars !

It is important to eat lots of fruit and vegetables to stay healthy .

What other foods are good for us ? Listen out for all the vegetables . Is a turnip a fruit or a vegetable ?

Let’s share our class story – The Enormous Turnip read by  … ?

I wonder if your radishes will grow and grow like the turnip !


Enormous Turnip phonics

(rain , seen, boot , took and might )



This weeks maths is all about staying healthy .

Click on the link below and follow day 1. 

Remember to click on the pink activities tab after you have watched the video.

Below is one of the activities – there are many more if you click on the activities tab.

Take a photograph or draw a picture of your healthy snacks and meals .

If  you would  like to be Home  learning star of the week, remember to e-mail your work or comment on the blog.

Enjoy the rest of your day.

Ms Chopra-Morris

Friday 26th June 2020

 Good Morning Reception !

Who will be a home-learning superstar next week ?
Post a comment or e-mail us your learning and you might be the star that appears in the school newsletter next Friday.


Reception have been doing a lot of P.E. in school this week and getting very fit!
Make sure you stay fit too ! You will need an empty box/ basket and some rolled up clean socks.


Have a go at the sentences in the video.


Maths and Movement

Click on the image below and follow the video and activities for day 4. Do you remember the  Chinese Dragon Dance that  we did in P.E. ? It might help you with the activities.

Try day 5 – just click on the image below.

Let’s close with a song today …

Have a lovely weekend and enjoy the sunshine.

Miss you all.

Reception staff



Thursday June 2020

Hello Reception

Today is a day to catch up on all the work set this week.

Try to log onto Oxford Owl and explore some of the reading books. You may want to focus on the  age 4-5 books.

Username : stvincentrec

Password: reading

Click on the image below to read The Dragon Balloon story and  Peck Peck.


Have a go at ordering numbers with this game. Click on the image below.

Take care,

Reception teachers



Wednesday 24th June

 Hello there Reception bloggers!

Wake up shake up !



Before we start our phonics , let’s look at syllables .

Which way did you like best ? I like the hand below chin way best . Lots of children like the robot talk and clapping .Try them all !

Answers at the end of blog.



Click on the image below and follow day 3 . Remember to click on the pink “Get the Activities” tab after you watched the video.

Please remember to check your home learning packs and practise forming numbers.

Have a great day.

The Reception teachers





Answers to phonics challenge :


3. cobweb



Tuesday 23rd June

 Good morning all !

 I think it’s time to warm up those fingers-  so get out your playdough and mat for the dough  disco.

Did you make a playdough pizza ? Don’t eat it ! This week is all about pizza.




Click on the image below and follow day 2  – watch the video and afterwards click on the “Get the activities” pink tab.

Pizza – making

How was your real pizza -making ?  The school have had some fabulous entries. Take a look at Mrs. O’Brien’s blog below. ( Click  Mrs OBrien at the bottom of the post below)

Pizza Competition!

Now you are ready for our new story (or is it new ?)

This book is American and there may be some words that you haven’t heard before. You will be able to guess the meaning of some words. Here are a few that are a bit trickier :

Mozzarella is a soft Italian cheese

eggplants are a vegetable – also called aubergines


How was this story similar to The Little Red Hen ?

How was it different ?

Which story did you prefer ? Why ?


In your home learning packs you will have some activities based around this book for you to try.


Enjoy the rest  of your day.

All this talk of pizza is making me hungry !

Take care

Ms Chopra-Morris

Monday 22nd June

Hello Reception!

I hope you all had a lovely weekend.

It looks like it’s going to be a week full of sunshine.

Let’s start with one of our favourite songs.


Speed read tricky words :

  • you  

  • was

  • no


Enjoy another super story Julia Donaldson.


Click on the first  image below and follow the link for day 1 . After  you have watched the video , click on the “Get the Activity” pink tab. ( I have copied two example  activities below but it is best to look at all the activities after watching the video.)

Remember to click on the pink “Get the Activity” tab.



Challenge yourself and use positional language from the list below:
next to
upside down
facing to the right
facing to the left


Enjoy the rest of  your day . We have a fabulous new story tomorrow .
Make sure you log on and are a learning super star !



Friday 19th June 2020

 Hello Reception!

What a busy week Reception have had.

Together Reception have made a Welcome poster as part of their learning about refugees.
Look at those lovely smiley faces ! They would make everybody feel welcome !

What else have Reception been up to ?

 How many slices of bread can you see? What else can you see? Can you spot your friends ?

What’s going on here ? Our super chefs are spreading butter .

Now it’s time to make up our sandwich. That looks delicious!


Yay ! It’s Friday …  it’s time for P.E. with Mr Rossetti !




Click on the image and follow day 5.

Have a lovely weekend.
Miss you all.
Ms Chopra -Morris

Thursday 18th June 2020


Did you hear all the rain and thunder yesterday ?

Let’ s start with a rhyme about rain and thunder.

 Can you read and sing the rhyme yourself :
“I hear thunder
I hear thunder
Oh don’t you ?
Oh don’t you ?
Pitter patter raindrops
Pitter patter raindrops
I’m wet through – so are you !”

The rain will be good for all those plants that Reception have been busy growing.



You will need some loo roll for the activity today. Please ask a grown up before you take the sheets !

Click on the first image and follow day 4. Click on the activity  after you have watched the short film.

Activity – this looks like a lot of fun ! 

Little Red Hen

Listen to me read the story with a little help from my son. I hope you enjoy it !

  • What can we learn from this story ?
  • Does the story have a message ?
  • What would you have done ?
  • What advice would you give to the animals ?
  • Was Little Red right not to share?


This is what some people said after reading the story:

“If you want to share the rewards (the tasty bread)  then share the work !”

“Working hard brings rewards.”

“It’s always a good idea to help your friends”

Do you agree ? Why not comment on the blog .

Enjoy the rest of your day.

Ms Chopra-Morris


Wednesday 17th June 2020

Good morning Reception!

Looks like Reception are having  a lot of fun planting and growing this week – just like the little Red Hen !



Refugee Week

This week is Refugee Week . Watch the videos to learn more and find out what the word refugee means and what we can do to make the world a better place.



Click on the image below to learn more.

Maybe you would like to draw a WELCOME poster. How would you make someone feel at home ? What would you say ? What would you do ? We would love to see your pictures.



Click in the image below and follow day 3.


Can you make a potion or cure with things around the house – remember to ask a grown up to help you. Did you use 20 things ? Challenge yourself !

Looks like the children in school are enjoying making their potions and cures !

Little Red Hen

In your home learning packs  there are some puppets to make and colour . Your challenge today is to tell the story using the little finger puppets.


Dear God,

Help us to welcome our brother and sister migrants and refugees with  arms wide open.

Help us to make the lonely feel at home.



Take care all ,



Outdoor Kitchen Role Play

Some of us have come back to school over the last two weeks.

We are enjoying seeing our friends, talking to our teachers and learning lots of fun new things.


Here we are planting and looking after our tomatoes!


Cutting and cooking our carrots in the outdoor kitchen. We make very good chefs!

It’s hard work…..

Soup anyone?


Keep checking back for more updates of our school learning.

See you soon!

Love Reception class xxx