Tuesday 16th June 2020

Good morning Reception !

Let’s start off with some phonics. Today we are revising the sounds : or , ur and oo.



(Answers at the end of the blog page)

Tricky words quick read:      was        to
Can you spell the tricky words ? Have a go.


Click on the image below and follow day 2.

Did you have a go at the adding activity below?

The Little Red Hen

Listen to the story of the Little Red Hen.

I did try to put my own reading  of the story on today but sadly I have had a few technology  problems. I will try and put it on later in the week.

Have a go at the rhyming activities in your home learning pack. How many words can you find that rhyme with hen ? Cut the words out and stick them onto the sack.

Enjoy the rest of your day.

Bye for now.

Ms Chopra-Morris

Answers to phonics challenge :





Monday 15th June 2020

Good morning !

I hope that you all have your home  learning packs. If not please remind your parents to collect them.
Why don’t you get out your playdough and mats and warm up those fingers ! Remember to tidy up afterwards please .


Remember to have a go at writing the sentences in your book.


Enjoy the story below.



Click on the image below and follow day 1.

Can you make a palace from items around your house ?

Try and spot the mistakes in the patterns.

Story- A traditional tale

Today our story has no words. What might the animals be saying ?

Have you heard this story before ?

Oxford Owl
Username:  stvincentrec
Password :  reading 

Click on the image below to follow the story. Have a go at the activities.

We will be looking at the Little Red Hen story all week. I hope you enjoyed it.

Take care

Ms Chopra- Morris


Friday 12th June 2020


Good morning !

Your learning packs are ready for your parents to collect. Please bring a carrier bag with you.

Friday is P.E. day so let’s get moving with Mr. Rosetti.


You do not need any equipment today.


Remember to have a go at writing the sentences in your book or on paper.



Click on the image and follow day 5 .

Play the symmetry game below.


Can you draw or make your own symmetrical crown ?


This story is by  Oliver Jeffers who wrote Lost and Found . What can you remember about the story ?


Enjoy the weekend and take good care of yourself.

Ms Chopra- Morris



Thursday 11th June 2020

 Hello !

I hope you are all well and enjoying your learning.

Please let us know what you are enjoying  by commenting on the blog or e-mailing us.

We have been preparing your home learning packs. Parents – please bring a carrier bag to school on Friday when you collect your packs.

Let’s get started …


What do you notice about these words :

  • letter
  • hammer
  • ladder
  • better
  • summer

( Answers at the end of the blog !)

Tricky words

Username : march20

Password : home

Practise phase 3 and 4 tricky words. Click on the image below to play.

How may tricky words did you read correctly ?


Please click on the image below and follow the link for day 4.

 You will be finding halves today – have a go !

 Time for reflection

If you had three wishes what would you wish for ? Think about what is important to you. How might you make the world a better place ?

Watch this beautiful story . I wish you more stories than stars !



Enjoy the rest of your day.

Miss you all.

Ms Chopra -Morris


Answer to phonics challenge:

All of the words end in er .

All of the words have double letters ( tt  dd/mm).

Well done if you spotted both !


Wednesday 10th June 2020

Good morning Reception

Sorry we had a few  difficulties with the blog yesterday so if you didn’t manage to complete  yesterday’s activities , please do have a go today.



Click  on the image below and follow day 3 for some playful maths.

Click on the image below to play a game about numbers to ten.


Username: stvincentrec

Password: reading 

Explore more books at Oxford Owl . On the school homepage click on the pupil zone tab and follow the links to Oxford Owl. Parents can also register for a free account.

Enjoy the rest of your day.

Ms Chopra-Morris




Friday 5th June 2020

Good morning !

It may be wet and cool outside but we’ll soon warm up.

It’s Friday and that means …


(You will need some pairs of rolled up  socks to jump around) 


Read these words as quickly as you can :
  • coil
  • boil
  • soil
  • join
  • oil
  • all
  • be
Click on the image below and learn more about the oi sound.


Click on the image below and follow day 5- get ready to sing !

Challenge :

You may need a grown up to help you to start with. Click on the first  image below.

Write down your answers . You can take as much time as you need to answer the questions . Choose an option: 3 seconds/ 5 seconds/ 7 seconds /10 seconds etc. Challenge yourself !

Explore the other activities on the website if you can.

Scroll and choose level 1 (purple tab)
Choose addition then up to 10 adding ones (see below)


Another super story by Julia Donaldson.


What a busy day ! Time to relax and enjoy your weekend.

Lovely to see some of you this week.

Stay safe.

Ms Chopra-Morris

Thursday 4th June 2020

Good morning !

I hope you are all well .

Let’s start off with Wake Up Shake Up.




Copy  the “ow” words from the list below  in your best handwriting and add sound buttons.

  • how

  • down

  • row

  • town

  • cow

  • now

Tricky Challenge :

Write a rhyming  sentence using some of the “ow” words you have learnt today. They can be silly !

Example : I had a row with the cow. ( Row and cow rhyme) 


Click on the image below and follow day 4 (we are missing out day 3) .

Learn more about odd and even numbers by watching Number Blocks.



What is the difference between the odd and even Numicon shapes below? Watch the video again to help you.


Draw two buckets and write the odd numbers in one bucket and the even numbers in the other bucket.


Is your house number odd or even?  My house number is 15 . Is that odd or even ?

We’ll look at this tomorrow.

A bit of fun …

Practise drawing spirals and create your own cartoon snails .


Enjoy another story by Julia Donaldson. Listen out for the rhyming words.

Enjoy the rest of your day.

Ms Chopra-Morris 


Wednesday 3rd June 2020

Good Morning Reception,

Happy Wednesday!

Phonics – Lesson 10

Play the sentence reading game on phonics play.




Click on the image below and follow day 2.

Make a pattern on your spiral.

Can you write your own FIRST, THEN , NOW maths story ?


 Music- ‘I’ve got a grumpy face’

Which face have you got today?

Hope you are keeping safe and well.

God Bless,

Mrs Brookes 🙂