How are you today? I hope you had a nice Easter break and managed to get out and enjoy the sunshine. I am looking forward to our learning, I hope you are too.
Let’s start by warming up our bodies. I think I know the person who can help us. Can you help me call Joe…..Joe where are you….I’m ready for my morning exercise.
Oh here he is…let’s see you working your bodies nice and hard this morning.
Phonics- Revision
Today I just want to you watch our singing videos to remind ourselves of the sound and tricky words we already know. Tomorrow I will give you some new learning!
Maths- Sharing
Watch this learning video below to show you how to share equally.
Can you have a go at sharing at home with your family? Maybe you could share some toys, biscuits or pencils, remember to make sure you all have the same at the end.
The Hungry Caterpillar
Listen to our new class story. This is my favourite story!
What did the very hungry caterpillar eat on Monday?
How many apples did he eat?
What did the very hungry caterpillar eat on Tuesday?
How many pears did he eat?
What did the caterpillar eat on Wednesday?
How many plums did he eat?
What did that caterpillar eat on Thursday?
How many strawberries did he eat?
What did that caterpillar eat on Friday?
How many oranges did he eat?
How many different foods did the caterpillar eat on Saturday?
Why do you think he had a stomachache?
What made the caterpillar feel all better?
I hope you have a great day!! Missing you all lots!
I hope you have had a lovely weekend with your families and have enjoyed lots of chocolate. Remember when it is Easter you are allowed to have chocolate for breakfast! Shhhh it’s allowed.
A new book has been published to help children understand the Corona virus . It may help to reassure children at this time. Please follow the link below.
Why do Christians call such a sad day ‘Good Friday’?
Why are eggs an important symbol at Easter ?
Now a bit of fun with a Peppa Pig Easter Egg hunt story
Egg hunt
How many eggs can you spot in the picture below ?
Now check …
Play at home
Maybe you could have an egg hunt at home. You can use any small items that you have in the house instead of eggs (oranges, apples , rolled up clean socks etc).
Daily lessons coming soon
Beginning Monday 20 April, BBC Bitesize will publish daily online lessons for all ages. They will also have a new dedicated TV channel full of learning content, podcasts on BBC Sounds and loads of educational video on iPlayer.
I can also personally recommend a free app– Khan Academy Kids. Parents need to register but it is free and you will be able access maths, reading , logic, memory and social and emotional activities. The digital books are also free. The only problem is that your child may want your phone a lot !
I hope you had a good sleep and are ready for some learning.
Let’s start by doing a wake up shake up! I know I need some energy this morning.
Holy Week- Garden of Gethsemane
In the garden Jesus sat and prayed. He asked God to look after him and keep him safe. Can you say your own prayer to God at this moment?
Dear God,
Thank you for keeping me safe. Thank you for my family. I am enjoying spending lots of time at home with them. I am feeling a bit scared and worried at the moment but I know you are there to look after me.
Tricky Words! I thought we would revisit our tricky word song.
Can you put the missing tricky word into these sentences?
Today we are _____ going to have fun at home.
______ like to eat chocolate when it is Easter.
The Easter Bunny will bring us eggs if ____ are good.
When the sun is shining I like to go for a long walk. I think the sunshine makes everything look pretty. The birds are singing and the trees are starting to blossom. What will you find on your daily walk today? Yesterday I found some ducks and green trees on my walk. Let me know what you find in the comments.
Holy Week- The Last Supper
Firstly we are going to continue our learning of Holy Week. On Thursday it is going to be ‘Maunday Thursday’ this is when we look at the Last Supper and the Garden of Gethsemane. Today we will focus on The Last Supper.
What were the Jewish people celebrating?
Where did they have the Passover meal?
How many disciples does Jesus have?
Why does Jesus bless the bread?
Why does Jesus bless the the wine?
Who is going to betray Jesus?
Can you make your own storyboard of the Last Supper? We have done these in class.
You can draw pictures and then write about it. Try and include these words.
Jesus Disciples Judas wine bread body blood bless
Yesterday we looked at the er sound. Can you read and write these er words and sentences?
Did you enjoy making your own shops yesterday? I hope you did. Did you take any pictures and post them in the comments so we can all see how amazing you are?
Which coins do you know?
Play this top marks money game to help you count and learn about our coins.
Have a good fun, learning, exploring and calm day,
I have missed writing to you these last few days. I really hope you are all keeping safe and having lots of fun at home with all of your families.
We are going to start with our Palm Sunday celebrations. Please take a look st Mr Davis’ Blog. There are lots of lovely prayer ideas you can do at home.
Palm Sunday
Can you answer these questions?
Who is Jesus?
Why is Jesus special?
Which animal did Jesus ride in our story?
What did the people wave?
What did the people shout to Jesus?
You could make your own palms and wave them as Jesus enters Jerusalem. If you don’t have any paper don’t worry you can wave scarves, coats and material.
Today we are going to look at the er sound.
How many er words can you remember?
How many word were you able to read? Have another go and see if you can beat your score.
Use Polly and her phonics games to help you with our new sound.
Money! What do you already know about money? Ask your adult if they have some coins you can take a look at. You need money to be able to buy lots of nice things. Watch and listen to the story of Hassan. He is going to show you how you can use your money carefully.
Have a go at making your own shop in your home today. You could make a toy shop, shoe shop or even a food shop. Have fun and practice using these words in your play.
Time to get active and recognise different feelings and moods
It’s time to take a walk on the spot but with a difference. Watch the video and copy the actions .Then see if you can play the game with somebody at home. Can they guess the mood you are in ?
Maths and story
Time to learn about time …
Can you list five things that take you more than five minutes to complete ?
Can you list five things that take you less than five minutes to complete ?
Time to move again – it is Friday and that’s PE day !
Now time to relax with a story by Michael Rosen. Have you seen any teddy bears in your neighbourhood?