Well done to Rae and Misan for their brilliant home learning over the weekend.
I am very happy to see you are growing your sunflowers. If you have a ruler at home you can measure to see how many cm they have grown. I have planted mine but I don’t think they are growing yet! I will have a look and upload a picture later.
Keep up the amazing work you are all doing. We are very proud of you all! Missing you lots!
How are you today? I hope you have had a lovely long weekend with your families.
On Friday we celebrated VE day. It has been 75 years since the end of the second world war! This was a very very long time ago. Watch this link below to learn a little bit more.
Can you make your own VE day poster? Here are some examples.
Ok so today I want you to revise our ch and ng sounds.
Don’t forget to be able to write our seances carefully we need to be able to form all of our letters the right way. Use this sky writer game to help you.
Can you read, cover, write and then check these sentences? Remember to count your words in your sentences to make sure you don’t miss any out. Also remember your finger spaces between words.
The chimp sings a song as he jumps up and down.
We put the tent next to the pond.
He put the milk in the sink
Click on the image above and follow Day 1 ‘The Very Busy Spider’
Watch the video and then complete the activity to the best you can.
Hello, I hope you are well. It has been lovely talking to you and your parents this week on the phone. We are glad that you enjoyed your little treat and are enjoying playing with the balloons (even though some have burst) .
Thank you to Misan for sharing your super work ! You really are a little learning star !
Tomorrow is a bank holiday (VE day) so we will do our P.E. today.
Let’s get moving.
Phonics Time
Time to look at the phoneme ee and revise some tricky words.
Can you write a sentence using both words ? Say the sentence first then write it down.
king feet (e.g The King had smelly feet.)
see man
feel happy
to meet
Home learning pack activities:
You will find these activities in your home learning packs .
Put the pictures in the right order.
Share the story with somebody you love over the weekend.
Hungry Caterpillar Maths
Please continue to follow the White Rose Maths activities .
There is an activity for each day linked to our story, The Hungry Caterpillar.
Click on the image below for Summer Term Week 3 Activity 4.
You can work through the activity together after you have watched the slide show. It is all about sharing.
How many bears can you count ? If you shared these bears with your mummy, how many bears would you each have ? ( You might like to use your own toys to help you share equally)
Extra Tricky Challenge:
Rae and Kulsum have some bears to share.
Which numbers of bears can they share equally so that there are none left over?
Can they share one bear equally? Can they share two bears equally? Three bears? Four bears…?
What do you notice about the numbers they can share fairly? It might help to look at a number line and mark the numbers that do share fairly onto it. Do you notice a pattern?
Home learning pack activities:
You will find these activities in your packs to complete over the weekend.
Time to relax with a story
Have you planted your sunflower seed ? I wonder how tall it will grow?
What do plants need to grow ? How do you feel when you look at a sunflower ?
Who made them ? How can we look after the trees and flowers around us ?
“God our Father, teach us to love all that you have created and to care for the earth as your gift and our home.”
Thank you Misan for your super work. I especially liked your doubles butterflies.
Learning Packs ready for collection today.
Miss Brookes and I were in school yesterday making up your home learning packs.
We have a little treat for you in the envelope marked with a question mark. We hope you like it ! Let us know by adding a comment to the blog.
We have sent a learning pack with: reading books, paper, an exercise book, a work pack and envelope for you to make a card for someone special, somethings for you to use in two weeks (envelope labelled Yucky Worms/ Maths) and a pot with seeds to grow your own sunflower. You will be very busy !
Time to get moving
Reception Phonics
You will need a pencil and some paper for this activity.
Write as many words as you can with the “ai” sound.
Write a sentence using the words rain and wait .
Extra challenge:
Write rhyming sentences using these words: tail and snail
rain and pain
Please click on the image below to find out how to help keep your child on track with phonics.
Maths time
Caterpillars and butterflies have beautiful patterns.
Click on the image below to make your own patterns.
Draw your own caterpillar using a repeating pattern.