Good morning !
We ‘ re having a few changes today . Instead of handwriting, we will be having a keyboard skills lesson with a short follow up computing activity.
Keyboard / Computing Skills
Longer Words
Activity :
Write the date in your book first.
Change these sentences:
Carl sat down on the carpet. changes to Carl sat down on the chair.
Watch the video below.
It’s a longer video today so here is a shorter follow up activity:
(Answers at the end of the blog)
Fill in the missing numbers
Fill in the missing numbers on the cherry and bar models:
Extension activities have been e-mailed .
Click on the image below and choose a book from Oxford Owl. Record the book in your planner please.
Username: stvincentrec
Click on the image below for a fun PE session.
Friday Fun – Choose a game to play
Click on the pictures and learn as you play !

Story Time
I know that Jahmari will enjoy this story read by our very own Ms. Brookes . Let us know what you like to see on the blog.
Have a lovely weekend year 1.
We miss you a lot.
Take care and stay safe.
Year 1 team
Phonics Answers
Carl sat down on the chair.
The goats are in the farmyard.
I can see a car on the road.
She has lots of fish or books.
They might meet in the farmyard.
Maths Answers
Ten frames
5+ 5 =10 1+ 9= 10
3 + 7 =10 4 + 6 = 10
8 + 2 = 10 9 + 1 = 10
2 + 8 = 10 various
Cherry model missing numbers
3 6
Bar model missing numbers
10 9
I mis you. Jahmari
Jahmari wrote the above message, I think he need to work on his spellings next lol. Very good lessons. Story time is his favourite.
Wow ! Well done Jahmari ! You are an absolute superstar! We all miss you lots too.
It was lovely to speak with you today.
cow bow
my rhyme is cow bow
Well done Mohammed! This is a great rhyme.
Take a look at our poem today and see if you can hear and say some more rhymes.
I look forward to reading your ideas!
Mrs Brookes 🙂
Hello my name is Muhammad Ali. I enjoyed the keyboard lesson.
I miss everybody.
My rhymes
I found some and with some my daddy helped me.
Well done Ali this is great learning!
Thank you to your dad for his support with your home learning.
Mrs Brookes 🙂