Good Morning Year 1 
We hope you have had a fantastic time at home this weekend and you managed to enjoy the snow. Send us in your snow pictures and they might feature on our blog.
Wake Up Shake Up
Snow Day Recount
Write the date neatly in your book.
At the weekend I had lots of fun playing in the snow with my family.
We made a huge snowman and had a massive snowball fight. It was very cold.
After we had played in the snow we came inside and had a hot drink to warm us up.
This made me feel really happy.
Snow Poem
Listen to our snow poem below and then have a go at writing your own short poem into your writing books. You could even perform your poem and send it to us!
What Could It Be
Read over the poem again. Can you spot the rhyming words?
Now have a go at writing your own short poem. Here is some wintry vocab to help you.
Watch the video below for your follow up activity.
Extension activities will be e-mailed.
Snow Mark Making
Oxford Owl- Click here for reading books
username: stvincentrec
password : reading
Science – Winter
Write three new facts about the season of Winter. This could be from the video you have just watched or what you have observed on your daily walks.
Story Time
We hope you have had a lovely day and have enjoyed the snow today.
From the Year 1 Team 🙂