Category Archives: General

Monday 8th June

Hello Year 3. Welcome back for another week. We have been busily preparing packs for you to take home which will be ready soon. I think the English part of the pack  I will go through on here, so be ready. Remember 1 or 2 hours of good work is better than 6 or 7 hours of not happy learning.


Click on the link for the white Rose.

I am wary that some people may be in different places of the white rose. So work through slowly.

Five a day maths

Bronze                             Silver


Bronze                             Silver

Classroom Secrets

The Home pack work will be focused on TIME. Ask your child the time in the 12 hour clock and 24 hour clock.

Howe many days in the month song… Learn this song.#


We are going to be reading the Krindlekrax over the next few weeks.

Here is the Front cover. What could the book be about? What could the Krindlekrax be?

It is a really interesting book.

A special guest is reading today…….

What are the similarities between the family members? How are they all the same?

How do we know the school has been there a long time?

Write some sentences about predicting what will happen in the story?

The Ancient Egyptians.

What happened to the Ancient Egyptians?

Can you create your own battle scene……



Thursday 4th June


Maths Work!

Classroom Secrets… Always helpful.

  Times table Rock stars

Mental Maths

Bronze                                  Answers

Silver                                     Answers

English – The Green Ship – The final day….

I love this book. Did you love it? Why DID you love it or why did you not love it?

Why now do you think the book is called the Green Ship?

Can you write a few sentences to review this book…..


Remember when you are writing inverted commas they need to be at the start of what is said and at the end….Here are some examples from the story:

“What would the captain have done?” she said.

“There’s going to be a storm,” shouted Mrs Tredegar. “Come on crew, into the wheelhouse”

Look carefully where the ” are in the sentences. Try to write your own sentence from something Mrs. Tredegar said.


Watch these Science Videos


This week has been the feast of Pentecost…. Watch this video….

Could you create a picture of this. Look at some of the art associated with the Holy Spirit…..

Tuesday 2nd June


Click on the link for White Rose Maths

I am going to add daily  5 a day questions for the children to do which I would just do on a piece of paper… Unless you have a printer! They are for Key Stage 2 and should be done daily. Bronze are a little easier than Silver! Silver are tough!!! The children may need some help….


Answers for Bronze Five a day.


Answers for Silve Five a day.

English…The Green Ship Part 2

Can you write some sentences about what you would see from the Green Ship?

What do plants you can see look like?

Ancient Egyptians….

Find out some more about the Ancient Egyptians.

Monday 1st June

Well, some classes will be returning to school this week. They will be social distancing which means only 15 in a class maximum. Hopefully, we will all see each other before the end of term but this may not happen. We are entering the Unknown…. again!

Any issues please don’t hesitate to email me or leave a comment on the blog…

We Won!!!

Well done to the children who played on Times Table Rockstars over Half Term. We managed to beat year 4 in a challenge and will now take on Year 5! We will start this next week so keep looking out. Well done to Aston Lightspeed, Connie Cash, Jay Coasters and Deke Criss! Our score was 1,474 so let’s try and beat that next time.


Depending on where you are on the White Rose learning. Short videos which will benefit understanding. You can make your own questions….

Times Table Rock stars – Always useful to help the children with their times tables….

Classroom Secrets – We use this in class for maths and so the formats the children are used to…. Also really good for comprehension tasks..

The Green Ship – Part 1

I hate hearing my own voice on videos!!!!

Why do you think the book is called the Green Ship?

Why were the two children surprised?

Who could the voice belong to?

The Ancient Egyptians

Click on the link to begin learning about the ancient Egyptians. I will post links all week and over the next few weeks about the ancient Egyptians.

Try to make your own Pyramid Tomb

Monday 25th May

Quentin Blake….. I am going to be reading a Quentin Blake book this week as we studied him in art over the start of the year. Quentin Blake is an illustrator but he also write stories! Here are some facts about Quentin Blake, if you click on the link….

Quentin Blake: Facts and Information

Here is a video of Quentin Blake….


I may have read this book before to you all but it is one of my favourites so…… I will start tomorrow….


Friday 22nd May

Final day of week. I hope you have a good weekend. Even though it is half term next week, I will put a story on the blog for the children. It may be useful to keep doing some maths also. I have promised a few children that I will get onto Times Table Rockstars, so that is my target for next week.

Click on the image for white rose maths videos. 

Final day of the story! Three by the Sea….

Can you write a book review? This is one of my favourite stories, if I am honest. I really like it as I am confused whether the Fox is a good character or a bad character.

Wednesday 12th May

I hope you are all well. Give all your parents a hug! Say I love you. Say thank you.

  Summer Week 2.

Watch the videos and try some out at home.
Keep trying to go onto Times Table Rockstars and try classroom secrets.

The Promise

Can you write what do you think the old lady means? Why has she told the girl to do what she wants? Keep practising your handwriting! Keep it nice and neat! Could you draw the city scene with the big buildings? Could you draw some of these from our own city. What buildings do you know in Birmingham that you could draw?


Comprehension book 2 – Answers

Here are the answers for the second CGP comprehension book:

The Three Nanny Goats

An interview with Andy Seed

Pioneer Children

Poems about Teachers

The reluctant dragon

Caring for dogs and puppies

Mr Gum and the Biscuit Billionaire

Echo Effects

Chicken School

Plastic Bag Tree

Sky Island

Labels on Children’s Food

Oliver Twist

Nepal Earthquake Appeal

Sir Gawain and the Green Knight