Monthly Archives: June 2020

Wednesday 3rd June


Complete and watch the Maths videos. If you feel that any of areas that your child is struggling on please let me know and I can put some resources up. Please either email me or comment on the blog!

Classroom Secrets as usual is a good start and short activities to keep your child going…

Bitesize – BBC Bitesize has some good videos etc and may help your child with daily activities to do. Again it may help with reinforcing learning or if they are struggling in an areas.

Mental maths





English. The Green Ship…….Part 3

The Lime Juice sounded tasty.

The Green Ship sounds so much fun. Maybe you play creative games like this at home. I think you could make a green ship at of our recycled junk! Why should we look after the world? Why by growing plants are we helping the world?

The storm was nasty? Who do you think the captain was???

Could you write a poem about the storm…… Go for it!!!

Science – Electricity

I put some electricity work on before Half Term. I will try to add science at least twice a week – Wednesday and Thursday –

What is Electricity?

What are electrical conductors – This will really help you understand what conducts and what does not.

Tuesday 2nd June


Click on the link for White Rose Maths

I am going to add daily  5 a day questions for the children to do which I would just do on a piece of paper… Unless you have a printer! They are for Key Stage 2 and should be done daily. Bronze are a little easier than Silver! Silver are tough!!! The children may need some help….


Answers for Bronze Five a day.


Answers for Silve Five a day.

English…The Green Ship Part 2

Can you write some sentences about what you would see from the Green Ship?

What do plants you can see look like?

Ancient Egyptians….

Find out some more about the Ancient Egyptians.

Monday 1st June

Well, some classes will be returning to school this week. They will be social distancing which means only 15 in a class maximum. Hopefully, we will all see each other before the end of term but this may not happen. We are entering the Unknown…. again!

Any issues please don’t hesitate to email me or leave a comment on the blog…

We Won!!!

Well done to the children who played on Times Table Rockstars over Half Term. We managed to beat year 4 in a challenge and will now take on Year 5! We will start this next week so keep looking out. Well done to Aston Lightspeed, Connie Cash, Jay Coasters and Deke Criss! Our score was 1,474 so let’s try and beat that next time.


Depending on where you are on the White Rose learning. Short videos which will benefit understanding. You can make your own questions….

Times Table Rock stars – Always useful to help the children with their times tables….

Classroom Secrets – We use this in class for maths and so the formats the children are used to…. Also really good for comprehension tasks..

The Green Ship – Part 1

I hate hearing my own voice on videos!!!!

Why do you think the book is called the Green Ship?

Why were the two children surprised?

Who could the voice belong to?

The Ancient Egyptians

Click on the link to begin learning about the ancient Egyptians. I will post links all week and over the next few weeks about the ancient Egyptians.

Try to make your own Pyramid Tomb