Floodlands Chapter Thirteen
1. shrink (v) 2. monstrous (adj) 3. oilskin (n)
4. prise (v) 5. mainland (n) 6. unmistakable (adj)
First, match these definitions with the words above
- The larger land near an island
- cloth with oil and wax on it to make it waterproof
- impossible to confuse with something or someone else
- using force to lift or pull something off
- to get smaller
- terrible, cruel, awful
Next, complete and add these examples to your vocabulary list (you could have a go at expanding them).
- They swam to the _____________
- a smelly, old ___________ coat
- the _____________ smell of cut grass
- She ________ed the lid off
- Clothes __________ if the water is too hot
- Hitler committed ____________ crimes
Questions p. 93-95 Use evidence from the text to support your answers.
- Why do you think the cathedral seems monstrous now that they’ve left it behind them?
- Look at the bottom of page 94. Why does it take Zoe so long to recognise Dooby in the photo?
- Look at the bottom of page 94. Find and copy one word that shows ‘the good looks and dark hair’ could only be Dooby’s.
- Read the top of page 95. Why can’t Zoe completely hate Dooby, even though he has done such terrible things.
Angles in a Triangle
Emotional Changes
Your body is a gift from God.
Your body deserves respect from yourself and others.
Boundaries are useful to respect ourselves and keep ourselves safe.
Privates are private.
Due to changes in your hormones, you can feel very different as your body change into an adult.
During puberty you may start to develop crushes, but remember that at the moment you are still young and this may be something that will affect you more when you are
Watch a few videos that will help to describe the changes that may occur. Some of the changes affect only boys, some only girls and some affect both sexes. Click on the images below to get started.
A Spot of Bother.
Oh no B. O
Identify one person at home and one person at school that you can talk to if you are feeling worried about anything to do with puberty or changes to your body.
Emotional Changes
How to deal with feelings that can feel uncontrollable.
Task: Think of a time when you have felt really scared. Try to remember why you were scared and what you were scared of. Write your memory down in your exercise book. Repeat this for feeling happy and excited.
Sometimes you can\will experience very strong emotions. Today you will learn about how to manage those feelings.
Click on each of the images below to explore feelings of anger.
Click here to play the emotions quiz. can you get 10 out of 10? Click here for the answers.
Floodlands Chapter Twelve.
Questions p. 90-92
1. Look at the top of page 90. What does Zoe do while Dooby is fighting?
2. What distracts Dooby and Spat as they’re fighting?
3. Look at the middle of page 91. Find and copy one word which shows that Dooby doesn’t move.
4. Read the bottom of page 91. What does Munchkin say to try and make Zoe feel better about William?
5. Look at page 92. What did William say they would find ‘to the west of the sea’?
- How did the Horses manage to get over to the island?
- What is Dooby’s next move going to be?
- Why do you think Zoe is pleased that the Cat didn’t tell Dooby everything?
Vocabulary – inaudible, extremely, extinguished, savage, vain, reeling, abruptly, business, decent
Explain – What did Zoe find in the wall?
Retrieve – Why does William not want to leave with Zoe? Support your answer with evidence from the text.
Interpret – What does William mean when he refers to Sarah as ‘vain’?
Choice – Write a PEE paragraph about Chapter nine.
Kooky Koalas
Vertically opposite angles
“Quote of the Day” – Handwriting Practise
In today’s quote, Greta Thunberg is commenting on how social media and our digital devices can change the way we live, and not in a good way. She is saying that the real world where real things happen; important things, is not on our screens. It is easy to forget this sometimes. Think about the quote from Confucius. Do you think he would agree with Greta? Is liking something on social media the same as actually doing something?
Watch and copy to improve your handwriting.
Body image- What is perfect?
The Body is a gift from God.
Your body deserves respect from yourself and others.
Boundaries are useful to respect ourselves and keep ourselves safe.
Privates are private.