5 a Day

Click on the image, scroll down to 14th May. Choose the appropriate challenge for you. You should be aiming to complete Platinum in as quick a time as possible. Post your time in the comments section if you got them all correct after your first attempt. Who is the quickest?

Topical maths challenge

Facebook Facts

Each user spends an average of 20 minutes on Facebook each day.

How much time does the average user spend on Facebook each week? Give your answer in hours and minutes.

Mrs Bell spends 25 minutes on Facebook each day. In a week, how much longer does she spend on Facebook than the average user?

Summarise the main idea\s in this paragraph. Write your summary in the comments section.


Sedimentary rocks are types of rock that are
formed by the accumulation or deposition of small
particles and subsequent cementation of mineral
or organic particles on the floor of oceans or other
bodies of water at the Earth’s surface.

Find a word which means the same as ‘change in form.’ Write your answer in the comments section.

What does the word subjected mean? Write your answer in the comments section.

 Create a retrieval question and an inference comprehension question from the section ‘What is Igneous Rock?’ Write your questions in the comment section below for your friends to answer.