Floodlands Chapter Eight


Comprehension – Chapter 8
1. What was the beam of light that Zoe could see?
2. Who else knows about what she has found?

3. ‘She held her breath’ Why did Zoe do this?
4. What does Zoe believe she could bargain?
5. Tell me two things that Dooby announced?
6. When Zoe saw the pendant the author described this moment as ‘something broke inside Zoe.’ Explain what you think the author meant by this.
7. Why is Zoe so upset when she is told that Spat gave the pendant to Sarah?
8. Provide two examples that show William is kind.

9. How do we know that Sarah is ‘stupid’?
10. Explain in detail why William’s information is good news to Zoe

Challenge: Explain why Dooby has managed to make himself leader.

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