Floodlands chapter 2

Make sure you have listened to the story, on the 6A blog page, so you can answer the questions. 

Vocabulary – dimly, suspiciously, timid, island, masonry, meekly, primitive, aisle, infernal, violence, desperation, rebel, outcast, scavenged, possessions, separated, curfew
Explain – Where does Zoe’s boat end up?
Retrieve – Look again at pg.20. How do you know that Dooby was an important person on the island?
Interpret – ‘The two gatekeepers nodded at Dooby, meekly, though they were much bigger than him.’ What does this tell you about Dooby? Use PEE to answer.
Choice – The author has made Zoe a strong and brave character. Find three pieces of evidence to support this.

In the comments section write a complex sentence including the words in the vocabulary section. Make sure you include your punctuation. You can use more than one of the words in a sentence or you can write a sentence for each word. or do both as long as you make sure you use all the words.


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