Monthly Archives: June 2020

Chapter 3 and 4

Vocabulary – surprised, hideous, subconscious, embarrassed, legible, precarious, rationing, abandoned
Explain – How does Spat perceive Zoe?
Retrieve –Describe what Dooby looks like using evidence from the text.
Interpret – ‘Whenever she did manage to get something out of them about the old times, they went quiet for a while afterwards.’ Pg. 37-38 Explain why you think they people went quiet.
Choice – The author has developed a shift in Dooby’s character in Chapter 4. Explain how his character is changing using a PEE paragraph.

Stars of the Week

Last week 6B’s stars of the week were Aiden for being a speedy Gonzales and completing the mile run in under 15 minutes and Abenezer for his regular interaction on the blog and keeping up with his learning.

The stars were announced via an online newsletter. Each week your parents will receive a link via text which opens our weekly newsletter. Look out for it you could be next!

Timestable Rockstars

Yr 6, this week you have been challenged to compete against yr 5 to see who is the best at their times tables. I know its you, so log in and prove it. If you don’t have your log – in just email me and i’ll send a reminder.

Come on Yr 6 prove me right