Monthly Archives: June 2020

Dance- Time to exercise.

Do you want be  Mr Burns or


 Disco Stu?

Compare Mr Burns’ posture with Disco Stu.

What do you notice?

The importance of Good Posture.

Proper posture improves spine health.

Sitting and standing with proper alignment improves blood flow, helps keep your nerves and blood vessels healthy, and supports your muscles, ligaments and tendons. People who make a habit of using correct posture are less likely to experience related back and neck pain. Click here to read “Sitting Positions for Good Posture.” 

Dancers are notorious for having good posture. “keep Dancing”


Father Tim is saying Mass tomorrow and every Thursday for our all Caritas children at 9.30am. Click on the image below to watch and listen.  Scroll down the page until you see live Streaming Notice. The link will look blank until mass starts at 9:30am.

Click on Mass 11.06.20 below for the order of service and song words.


Mass 11.06.20   


Click here for the order of service and song words.Mass 11.06.20