Monthly Archives: June 2020

Floodlands Chapter Eight.


Comprehension – Chapter 8
1. What was the beam of light that Zoe could see?
2. Who else knows about what she has found?

3. ‘She held her breath’ Why did Zoe do this?
4. What does Zoe believe she could bargain?
5. Tell me two things that Dooby announced?
6. When Zoe saw the pendant the author described this moment as ‘something broke inside Zoe.’ Explain what you think the author meant by this.
7. Why is Zoe so upset when she is told that Spat gave the pendant to Sarah?
8. Provide two examples that show William is kind.
9. How do we know that Sarah is ‘stupid’?
10. Explain in detail why William’s information is good news to Zoe

Challenge: Explain why Dooby has managed to make himself leader.

Pg 54 ‘Zoe felt at a dead end’ …. Pg 55 ‘she wasn’t going to hang around.’ What does it mean, ‘Zoe felt at a dead end,’?

Why doesn’t she want to escape with Dooby?

Which part of the text tells us that Zoe might be in trouble?Pg 55 ‘She found William’ ….to the end of the page?

Which word or words tells me the book William is reading is well used?

What does William find funny about the book he is reading?

What made Zoe jump?

Pg 56 ‘Right said William,’ …. Pg 56 ‘…but mostly stuff I needed to know about.’Was there always water between Eel island and Norwich?

Why didn’t Zoe’s parents tell her about what it was like before? What information do you think they gave her?

Why did the remains of cars litter the street of Norwich?

Why was Zoe worried that she might offend William?

Pg 56 ‘How old would your parents be?’ …. Pg 57 ‘but she didn’t interrupt.’Which phrase tells you that the weather started going wrong?

Where does William think the main part of the country still is?

What caused people to start panicking?

At the end William says they didn’t get any more news, why do you think that was?Pg 57 ‘Then things got worse’ … end of page 58.

Why does the author appear to use a lot of ellipses in this section? What is he trying to show?

Who was on the island first – Dooby or William? How do you know?

Why has the author said, ‘It was a world of which she only knew the shadows,’ what does that tell the reader?

Pg 59 ‘Oh he’ll go, all right’ …. Pg 59 ‘the name on his book again’?

What does the phrase ‘fished in her memory’ tell you?

Why do you think Zoe struggles to remember her second name?

William says that people stopped using their real names why do you think that is?

Why might William’s name be on the front of the book? What does that possibly tell you?

Pg ‘But Zoe wasn’t listening,’ …. Pg 60. ‘is your little child’ (end of the poem).

What causes William to ‘lose it again’?

Why is the paragraph in the middle of the page in italics? What kind of book do you think William was reading?

Who does William say Lyca is?

Pg 60 ‘William, you’re not listening,’ …. Pg 61 ‘We’ve found a spy.’

Who does William suggest that Zoe should take with her in her boat? Is it right? Explain your answer.

Which tribe does the spy come from?

What do you think is going to happen to the spy?Pg 61 ‘A young man was being pulled into the building’ …. End of the page.

How did the spy get to the island?

Which words or phrases tell you how the spy is feeling?

What does Dooby do to try and make the spy talk?

Why does Zoe look away when Dooby swings his boot at the spy?

Pg 62 to the end of the chapter.

  • Why can’t Zoe sleep?
  • The author doesn’t tell us what is happening to the spy but what clues does he leave in the text to suggest what is happening?
  • What has Zoe discovered towards the end of the chapter that might be useful for her?



keep it up!!!

Everyday we will be practising this dance, so that we can learn it.

We will be videoing year 6 in the playground (socially distanced) as part of our leavers production. Those of you at home you must learn the dance too. As soon as you have learned it get someone to video you doing the dance, then email it to me. We will be compiling the video’s, along with lots of other stuff (aahhhggg there’s that word!) to create our end of year extravaganza. Can’t wait to see you.

I would also like to reprise your year 5 smash hit ‘A Million Dreams,’ so Click here to go to the version I would like you to sing along to, whilst you sing please have it video recorded and email it to me so that we can compile your voices.

Floodlands Chapter 6


Nave – main part of the church

Cautiously – carefully

Casual – laid back

Manipulating – controlling

How is Munchkin’s personality different to Spat?
Why does Zoe still need to be careful even though Munchkin seems small and nervous?
By talking to Munchkin what is Zoe hoping to find out?
Why do you think Munchkin looks shocked when Zoe asks why no-one stands up to Dooby?
What kind of person do you think Dooby is?
Do you think the author mentioning that Dooby doesn’t know how to work boats is important? Why?