Wednesday 8th April 2020

Good Morning Reception,

I hope you had a good sleep and are ready for some learning.

Let’s start by doing a wake up shake up! I know I need some energy this morning.


Holy Week- Garden of Gethsemane

In the garden Jesus sat and prayed. He asked God to look after him and keep him safe. Can you say your own prayer to God at this moment?

Dear God, 

Thank you for keeping me safe. Thank you for my family. I am enjoying spending lots of time at home with them.  I am feeling a bit scared and worried at the moment but I know you are there to look after me. 




Tricky Words! I thought we would revisit our tricky word song.

Can you put the missing tricky word into these sentences?

Today we are _____ going to have fun at home. 

______ like to eat chocolate when it is Easter. 

The Easter Bunny will bring us eggs if ____ are good. 

You can play tricky word trucks on here.

Maths – Money

Look at this video to help you understand money a little bit more.

Now have a go a playing this top marks game.

Have fun!

Speak to you soon,

Mrs Brookes

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