Good Morning Year 1 
Happy Wednesday!!!
Here is a suggested timetable to help you structure your learning throughout the day. Each lesson has been divided into how many minutes you should spend. But please change the times to suit your day.
Joe Wicks is back….Let’s warn up our bodies to burn some energy so our brains are focused for work.
Get ready!
Write the date in your Home Learning book , like we do at school.
Watch the video and write the letter g at least ten times and make it beautiful!
Remember your finger spaces between each letter please!
Revision Day
Now have a go at blending, reading and then writing these real and alien ear words into the right groups.
You could make a table like this in your books if you would like too.
Now choose three real words to put into some exciting sentences. The best ones will feature on our Superstars page!
Click on the link below to play a fun sorting game to help with your reading.
You may log in with the following details:
username: jan21
password: home
Listen to the story of the Snail and the Whale again and then have a go at the activity underneath.
Make a table like this into your books. You can either draw and label your answers or write in complete sentences.
Answers for Tuesday’s challenge:
61 is the odd one out.
It should be 16. One ten and six ones.
Answer :Yes Ali will say 11.
If we count on from 8 to 20, we will get to 11.
8, 9, 10, 11, 12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19, 20
You will need to be really good at counting back for the lesson tomorrow .
Recap counting back using a number line.
Watch the video below.
Complete :
Challenge :
9 – 2 =___
5-1 =___
___= 5-1
6 -2= ___
___= 6-2
Answers on the blog tomorrow or e-mail your answers and we will check them.
Oxford Owl- Click here for reading books
username: stvincentrec
password : reading
Luke 10 v. 25 – 37 – The Parable of the Good Samaritan
Who was more like Jesus in this story? How can we be like the Good Samaritan today?
Your job today is to be like the Good Samaritan at home. Ask your adult to help you take a picture and post in into the comment box or email me
Story Time
Dinosaurs Love Underpants by Claire Freedman and Ben Cort
Thank you for another day of fun learning!
And a big thank you to your parents for helping you too!
Be extra kind to them tonight.
From the Year 1 Team 🙂
In challenge my mommy help me with the hard stuff.
It was challenging – well done for your effort Rae ! Superstar !
I really enjoyed the phonics game.
That is great to hear – well done. Keep up the good work 🙂
Remember to write your name in comment box.