Tuesday 7th April 2020

Good Morning Reception!

What a beautiful sunny morning we are having. Sunshine Sun Clip Art With Transparent Background Free - Sun With ...

When the sun is shining I like to go for a long walk. I think the sunshine makes everything look pretty. The birds are singing and the trees are starting to blossom. What will you find on your daily walk today? Yesterday I found some ducks and green trees on my walk.  Let me know what you find in the comments.


Holy Week- The Last Supper

Firstly we are going to continue our learning of Holy Week. On Thursday it is going to be ‘Maunday Thursday’ this is when we look at the Last Supper and the Garden of Gethsemane. Today we will focus on The Last Supper.

  1. What were the Jewish people celebrating?
  2. Where did they have the Passover meal?
  3. How many disciples does Jesus have?
  4. Why does Jesus bless the bread?
  5. Why does Jesus bless the the wine? 
  6. Who is going to betray Jesus? 

Can you make your own storyboard of the Last Supper? We have done these in class.

Blank Storyboard Template with Lines Storyboard

You can draw pictures and then write about it. Try and include these words.

Jesus    Disciples     Judas     wine    bread     body    blood    bless 



Yesterday we looked at the er sound. Can you read and write these er words and sentences?

I got a letter from a farmer.
My ladder was much longer than her ladder.
Get a hammer and bang in a nail.


Username: student4991

Password: vincent2


Maths- Money 

Did you enjoy making your own shops yesterday? I hope you did. Did you take any pictures and post them in the comments so we can all see how amazing you are?

Money (UK Pound | Money chart, Money notes, Money worksheets Which coins do you know?

Play this top marks money game to help you count and learn about our coins.



Have a good fun, learning, exploring and calm day,

Speak to you tomorrow,

Mrs Brookes 🙂

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