Good Morning Year 1 
We hope you had a fantastic snow day yesterday. We are enjoying looking at your pictures and hearing your snow stories. It looks like you have had lots of fun.
Let’s start our morning with a special prayer to Jesus.
Start by writing your date neatly into your books. Today we are going to practice the letter a. You are getting very good at remembering your finger spaces, well done!
Now can you write these following words into your books. Remember your lead in and lead outs!
snow snowman cold ice
sledge gloves snow angel
Adjacent consonants and short vowels
Phase 4 – Tricky Words
Please make sure that you complete the practice activity at the end of the video.
English – The Snail and the Whale
Take another look over the section of the story when the Whale gets trapped on the beach.
Activity – Instructions on how to save a whale.
Reading (Book Trust)
Here is a fun new website called Book Trust. Click on the link below to find lots of fun new online story books and reading games.
I recommend the story called ‘Oh No George.’
Luke 15 v. 11 – 32 – The Parable of the Prodigal Son
Listen to this weeks parable then follow the activity below.
Answer these questions into your book.
- Which characters do something wrong?
- What do they do?
- Are they both sorry for what they did?
Look at the following pictures of the story. I would like you to decide what is happening out of these three things.
Making a bad decision Says sorry Shows forgiveness
Story Time
Hope you are having a great time learning at home, don’t forget to send us an email or comment with your learning. We love hearing from you.
See you tomorrow!
From the Year 1 Team 🙂
Thank you for the work, it was very fun Misan xxx.
Thank you Misan ! We love receiving your super work and I am just about to post some on the blog.
You really are a super star . I love the way you are trying really hard with your lead-ins- your handwriting is looking very grown-up!