Thursday 4th June 2020

Good morning !

I hope you are all well .

Let’s start off with Wake Up Shake Up.




Copy  the “ow” words from the list below  in your best handwriting and add sound buttons.

  • how

  • down

  • row

  • town

  • cow

  • now

Tricky Challenge :

Write a rhyming  sentence using some of the “ow” words you have learnt today. They can be silly !

Example : I had a row with the cow. ( Row and cow rhyme) 


Click on the image below and follow day 4 (we are missing out day 3) .

Learn more about odd and even numbers by watching Number Blocks.


What is the difference between the odd and even Numicon shapes below? Watch the video again to help you.


Draw two buckets and write the odd numbers in one bucket and the even numbers in the other bucket.


Is your house number odd or even?  My house number is 15 . Is that odd or even ?

We’ll look at this tomorrow.

A bit of fun …

Practise drawing spirals and create your own cartoon snails .


Enjoy another story by Julia Donaldson. Listen out for the rhyming words.

Enjoy the rest of your day.

Ms Chopra-Morris 


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