Thursday 30th April

  Good Morning Reception !

I hope you are all well. Can you believe today is the last day of April ?

Which month starts tomorrow?

Move with Jack Hartmann and see if you are correct.

Yes that’s right, tomorrow is the start of May.

Time to stretch like a butterfly with a short yoga video…

“Raise your wings and reach up high.”

 Phonics / Tricky Words 

Click on the picture below to watch Polly’s Phonics and try the activities just like you do at school.

You will need to type in the username and password .

Username: student4991


Write three sentences using any of the tricky words you read today. Maybe you could write about the Hungry Caterpillar or you and your family.

Number time 

1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10… What comes next ?

Click on the picture to watch the video. Use the same username and password as above.

Now try some of the activites. There are lots to try. Click on the picture and challenge yourself !


Draw a butterfly with 3 spots on each wing. How many spots altogether?

Draw a butterfly with 6 spots on each wing. How many spots altogether?

Can you write the number sentence for double 2?      Is it  2-2 or  2+2 ?

Story time

Click on the picture to listen a lovely story all about sharing.

Use the same username and password as earlier.

Username: student4991

Enjoy the rest of your day.

Remember it’s Friday tomorrow and that’s P.E. day !

Challenge yourself : Get dressed by yourself as quickly as you can.

Miss Brookes and I are getting your home learning packs ready tomorrow for your parents to collect on Friday. We hope you enjoy the activities.

Miss you all lots and lots.

Take care,

Ms Chopra-Morris

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