Thursday 11th June 2020

 Hello !

I hope you are all well and enjoying your learning.

Please let us know what you are enjoying  by commenting on the blog or e-mailing us.

We have been preparing your home learning packs. Parents – please bring a carrier bag to school on Friday when you collect your packs.

Let’s get started …


What do you notice about these words :

  • letter
  • hammer
  • ladder
  • better
  • summer

( Answers at the end of the blog !)

Tricky words

Username : march20

Password : home

Practise phase 3 and 4 tricky words. Click on the image below to play.

How may tricky words did you read correctly ?


Please click on the image below and follow the link for day 4.

 You will be finding halves today – have a go !

 Time for reflection

If you had three wishes what would you wish for ? Think about what is important to you. How might you make the world a better place ?

Watch this beautiful story . I wish you more stories than stars !



Enjoy the rest of your day.

Miss you all.

Ms Chopra -Morris


Answer to phonics challenge:

All of the words end in er .

All of the words have double letters ( tt  dd/mm).

Well done if you spotted both !


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